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Showing posts with label CCD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCD. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bodywear Jewelry: Interview with Kimber Carter – Tea Couturier Reporting…

We can say Fashion is a big part of our SL lives. What we wear signifies who we are and what message we are projecting about ourselves. However, clothes are not the only way to express one’s self. You can use bodywear jewelry to do this too. What is bodywear jewelry, you ask? Bodywear jewelry is big in Second Life© and there are quite a few designers out there who create it . However, to explain this jewelry in more depth...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Designer Dossier: Kimber Carter CCD Lacy Muircastle Reporting...

Kimber Carter is the new owner and designer of Carter's Custom Designs (CCD). Kimber purchased the CCD store and products from Caithlin Carter in August 2010 and continues in Caithlin’s footsteps to provide the most elegant jewellery and beauty products to the citizens of Second Life. Kimber came to SL out of curiosity. She commented “There is always something to discover and learn. Everything here is complex yet at the same time simple. If you...