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Showing posts with label Avie Poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avie Poll. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

AVIE POLL: What is the funniest / Craziest experience you witnessed or had in SL?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 I’ve been around nearly 2 decades and have seen my fair share of some crazy sh*t in Second life. Some off the wall and others just so funny that I found myself laughing even after logging out.  Have you ever been in a situation where you witnessed something funny or crazy  in Second life and thought… If no one was there to witness it, they would never believe it. Well here are some interesting stories from across the grid.AFK ROCKET...

Sunday, April 7, 2024

AVIE POLL: What makes you choose one venue over another? Hazel Silvermoon Reporting…

 In Second Life, how we spend our days matters greatly to us. We spend a lot of time picking and choosing where we will go, and what we will do. Sometimes, that is to hit up the hottest clubs, or to go to charity events. Other times it’s shopping, or game nights.  But how do we choose which Venue to go to, and what makes us choose one over the other?I went around the grid to poll several individuals about this matter, and I asked them what...

Friday, February 9, 2024

SLE Poll -Qualities of Friendship- Tabitha Mercury reporting...

 Finding friendships can sometimes be as easy as a smile or as daunting as a chemical equation for an English major. This makes one wonder, what qualities do people look for in starting a friendship? Well, I took my notepad and pen and set out to find out.I polled several people and asked them what their top 5 qualities they look for in friendships. Well, that might have been a mistake, because that gives an array of options to sift through....

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Avi Poll: The Pros and Cons of Virtual Friendships- Hazel Silvermoon Reporting…

 Making friends in real life can be quite a challenge, and many of us are left with feelings of anxiety over socializing face-to-face. When we enter the virtual world, we often think that things will be easier, since we are hidden behind a screen. Sometimes, this is the case, but often, the anxiety still sets in, and we are left to put ourselves out there. Even though Second Life is virtual, it is massive. However, I personally have met some...

Monday, August 7, 2023

Discrimination, The Truth About Second Life Most Hated Community – Samuel Roberts Reporting

In the real world we deal with things everyday that make us come face to face with hate itself, whether you’re a woman in the workplace and you are discriminated against or a African American being pulled over for no justifiable reason by the police simple because of the color of your skin, racism, agism, sexism, ableism and basic ignorant prejudice is all around us in many places in the world we live in. Often this is even increased on platforms...

Dolla Dolla Bills Ya’ll – Samuel Roberts Reporting

Money makes the world go around, right? Apparently, this is not only true for the world we live in outside of Second Life but also the Grid world we all know and love. It seems Second Life is far more than just a video game but its own country with a GDP larger than some countries. Yes, that’s right, with a GDP of over 600 million USD Second life could literally be listed as a country in the range and scope of its free market power. The question...

Friday, July 21, 2023

Has Online Dating Ruined that Old-School Romance?? Samuel Roberts Reporting.

 Poll on members of SL on the question “Has Online Dating Ruined that Old-School Romance?” It’s a brave new world kids and this is not your grandad’s dating scene, unless your grandad is on tinder in which case good for him. Lol. Look, the truth is it’s a strange new world where the idea of approaching a stranger and getting to know them over time, flirting, building a repour before approaching the father for permission to take things further...