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Showing posts with label Arts and Literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arts and Literature. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"MORE DICKENS! MORE DICKENS!" ~ The Dickens Project Opens December 14th

It’s December, and for many people in the English speaking world that means Dickens – Charles Dickens.  The Nineteenth Century author wrote Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Great Expectations among  nearly two dozen other novels, a bushel of short stories, and a passel of non-fiction.  Of course, he is also the author of A Christmas Carol, which will be seen on stages and screens, both large and small, all over the world...

Friday, August 17, 2012

ARTS and LITERATURE: Let The "Bard" Times Roll!

There is nothing quite like an outdoor festival, even a virtual one!  Saturday and Sunday, August 18th and 19th will see the sandy shores of Mango in the Fruit Islands once again host Shakespeare and Shakespeare-inspired performances on the BARD ON THE VIRTUAL BEACH outdoor Festival Stage.  (Don't forget to wave at "Ismael" the whale, and bring something to feed "Yorrick" the pesky peacock).    Each day features different...