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Showing posts with label 3D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Behind the Scenes with ToySoldier Thor- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Debby Sharma: Congratulations for your recent achievement to transform 3D art to real world. Would you like to say something?

Toysoldier Thor: In my desire to bring my SL art into the real world which I have already done with my 2D canvas art. I can now do it with my 3D by actually bronze casting my 3D SL mesh art. So many have congratulated me but I see it as a personal goal or challenge achieved and an opportunity to leverage it more now. I am surprised how strongly my idea of bronze casting has been accepted by the SL art loving community because unlike the art you see which anyone can buy for $2 to $5 USD, buying one of my Bronze Casts is a much more significant investment for residents - this first one is $155 USD. I didn’t think anyone would accept that cost, still 10 people have already ordered. The first order being Ebbe Altberg blew me away. It validated my business model behind my passion.

Art Name: Shattered

Debby Sharma: What are the inspirations behind 3D sculptures and how long does it take to make them?

Toysoldier Thor: Well the inspiration to shift my art from initially 2D wall art to 3D sculptures was a trigger of the right conditions that finally came together in SL. prior to focusing on art in SL in 2010, I loved making actual 3D content for SL using sculpts - Landscape Terrains but they were not easy to mould into complex forms. Then in 2012 mesh started. I initially thought i would use mesh to make better landscape packs as I have earned lindens from them, but because mesh has high Land Impact penalized by size, I decided to make 3D content for my desire for art. I loved how i could express my emotions, feelings and political statements in 3D statues. As you will see with most of my 3D sculptures I also create a 2D representation because 2D and 3D art can express my desired expression differently. Also the quality of mesh resolution in SL is not to the level that I create in modelling tool, so I capture it as an image and transform it into wall art.  I wanted to take my art out of SL's art community and expand it to real life. To create a mesh sculpture it usually takes a week or less when i put my mind to it. The hard part is to know exactly how to properly express an emotion. I wait for it to come to me and then it hits me out of nowhere.

Art Name: His Princess

Debby Sharma: After the successful exhibition in October 2013 in real life are you planning on a few more? Are there any other forms of art that you indulge in?

Toysoldier Thor: I am sure I will have another one but not until I create a couple more 3D bronze statues to include in my next exhibit. P.S. I need to have another exhibit. I have 30 of canvas artworks in my basement that need to be shown and hopefully sold! If i showed you my real life basement man cave, you would laugh. My A.D.D. personality also makes it hard for me to exhibit rl again as its more like "been there accomplished that now what". I have found that art has been such an amazing medium to allow me to express and vent my pent up creativity and I have been so blessed that SL introduced art into my life. I am surprised that people in real life know nothing about SL, love my SL landscapes art as they think they are paintings.
I do real life photography too and manipulate it like SL photography then often blend them. It is a form of photography I love. I experimented with this method and the results are fantastic. Let me show my favourite of those. I refer to it as Flashlight Photography where the subject and my camera are in pitch darkness and I use a flashlight for 1 minute and paint the light onto the camera lens from whatever angle I want to. This creates a surreal atmosphere.

Art Name: Petrified Petals
Debby Sharma: Tell us more about your journey with photography? Do you make custom sculptures?

Toysoldier Thor: Well, strangely, when I was in high school I was President of Photography. It was back in the late 1970’s. After that I never touched photography again. In 2010, here in SL I got inspired to do SL landscape photography after I watched the amazing results my closest friend in SL was accomplishing. I entered a photo contest and came in 2nd so I got hooked to it. The 80 plus photographs you see in this 5 floor gallery are all created since April 2010. But within 8 months I got bored with landscapes as they had little emotion. So I used my SL earnings and bought a good DSLR camera and started taking RL photos to capture photos and manipulate them to express feelings, story and emotion. I experimented with mixing SL and RL images capturing the 3D mesh art. In 2011 when i first opened my gallery, I decided to attach an Artist Comments notecard with each which was a big hit with the visitors.
I have only made two custom sculptures upon request till date. I generally don’t do it because there are limitations to my freedom of expression. However, the dragonfly mesh was inspired by real life friend and the other one “His Princess” had full freedom to explore my creativeness. I focus on Low Land Impact. These dragonflies and humming birds are only 1 LI and “His Princess” which is famous among those that love art and dance for 9 LI. I was inspired with this art by a photo in a local newspaper. I used to use Blender but it was so complex that I started playing with ZBrush. I also loved a simple free program called Sculptris. It worked the way i loved to create organically. Later Zbrush bought Sculptris and many of the functions of Sculptris were introduced into Zbrush. i am not endorsing but for me it works great.

Debby Sharma: What are the other things that interest you in Second Life apart from art?

Toysoldier Thor: I love singing Karaoke in SL since 2008. I am a huge supporter of the SL Artistic Dance community. I love taking photos of them while dancing. It’s a great artistic challenge to catch them artistically as an image while they dance. Guerilla Burlesque is one of my favourites but there are so many others like Elysium, Image Club, Starlite and so many others that i have worked with my art. Dance, music, fine art, fashion, set creation is like a blending of art forms and I have loved building landscape terrain packs but sort of left that passion and good revenue source behind. Art is what i love engaging in most now. The only thing I haven’t engaged in is the formal Role Play sims and communities. Although, I have visited a few and observed but i am too restless to get into RL communities, I am Toy in SL but Toy acts mostly as RL me.

Debby Sharma: Is there any emotion unexplored and anything you are working at currently which you would like to share?

Toysoldier Thor: I have so many ideas. Thanks to my “Shattered” sculpture, I have been inspired to focus on a theme to my future sculptures. Well one was inspired as an actual request from my real life friend. She loved my Shattered and actually plans to buy one of the Bronzes, but she asked me "Can you create a sculpture showing elation or success or achievement?” Of course i could but I didn’t want it to be corny. So, I pondered how to capture achievement in a way that when people look at the sculpture they will feel the same. I want my sculptures to pour out the emotion just by observing it. That is what i love Shattered. Its accomplished emotion with the most intensity and it has also inspired my signature for my future sculptures. Do you see the exaggeration of the hands in Shattered? My “Ah!” moment to creating my signature of my future works will be to use the hands to express emotions. I have two ideas in my head already.
Actually no I haven’t started on any of the two ideas for my next sculpture but I will show you part of what one of them which I will use in the next sculpture and the rest when i finish it. See this piano. Imagine a pianist, his fingers pounding on the keys with passion and pouring out his music soul into the piano to create his artistic piece of music. How he will slump into the keys and how the fingers that hit the keys will be the "key". That’s my vision.

Debby Sharma: What would you like to say to your fans and friends through this podium?

Toysoldier Thor: I would likely say what so many have already realized known and expressed to anyone else in SL that has not yet embraced something in SL they are passionate about. TAKE THE PLUNGE and embrace it you will be amazed how it will actually transform and add a new aspect to your real life. I was not an artist when I came and look what is created in the gallery. If you love something in SL, grab it and run with it, don’t be afraid.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to Become a Tech Genius in SL – Shaneos Howlett Reporting

We all know that Second Life is an advanced form of a 3D chat program but how many of us actually know the true full capabilities ?
 Below we will explore some of the features that make SL advanced and a very unique communication platform.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Technology: Oculus Rift – a New Virtual Reality Viewing Accessory- Stareyes Galaxy Reporting…

Oculus Rift is a new virtual reality (VR) viewing accessory that is designed to give VR gamers a new level of user experience. 

The device development was initially financed by Kickstarter, and demonstrator units are now available for developers, together with a software development kit (SDK). Linden Lab is looking into porting this VR experience to Second Life © (SL) users, but there is still a way to go before we can expect the first avatars to enter SL using an Oculus Rift viewer. Stareyes Galaxy had the opportunity to test the demonstrator.

The technology behind the Oculus Rift is quite straightforward. It uses a 6” liquid-crystal display (LCD) and enlarging optics for both eyes. A personal computer (PC) is used to send the viewable content to the display. The user then sees a stereoscopic view of the VR content, as both eyes get their own view, separated by the perspective. The optics focus on the display surface itself, but the perspective seems to be set in infinity. The rendering for the display is done by means of the software, for each eye separately. The viewer uses the same content that is rendered on the PC screen.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Technology: Second Life (C) on Text-based Viewers – Stareyes Galaxy Reporting...

Metabolt Chat Screen

There are times when an avatar, logging on, is restricted to low-bandwidth connections. Mobile laptop connections, firewall issues, or just plain choice may be the deciding factors to switch to a non-graphic viewer. Fortunately, the Second Life third-party viewer (TPV) list includes such gems as METAbolt ® and Radegast ®.

Sometimes one has to make a choice whether to log on at all, or to use text-only viewers. One of the earliest text-only viewers was the famous AjaxLife that was developed by then 15-year-old Katharine Berry and gained wide popularity until it fell by the wayside, probably due to the demands of the upkeep. Today, the TPV list has two text-only viewers, METAbolt and Radegast.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Added Dimension to SL - Orchids Zenovka Reporting…

We all know the well-known quote   “The Only Constant In Life Is Change.”   - Heraclitus of Ephesus, and the same applies to Second Life, and we shouldn’t expect anything less.  As we approach the 10th Birthday of this virtual world of ours there are rumblings out there on the grid as to exciting changes that are afoot.  We are all weathering the mesh storm and eagerly await the mesh deformer which will make wearing mesh outfits so much easier and the next big thing is rumoured to be 3D ….

Friday, January 18, 2013

Discovery News: Kinect Sensors Turn House into A Virtual Video Game-TechNewsDaily Reports

Can you imagine being able to scan your surroundings or yourself walking, running, dancing, engaging in combat fighting..... having sex or doing other action packed activities while being able to download it , in real time, to the virtual world? I think these developers are on to something big. Check out this interesting new technology and give us your thoughts on the ways you would use it in Second Life.

 I'm assuming there would be a lot of real dance competitions, Zumba classes and air fist fights with griefers. Not to mention a new wave of escorts that would flock back if there were adult attachments and accessories included. lol - Lanai Jarrico

Read More about it here!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Has Second Life™ become an irreplaceable part of real life? Mehseti Resident Reporting...

Opportunities of Second Life™ are growing and many of us can’t even imagine our real life without Second Life.

Influential companies all over the world open their offices in Second Life, which supports connection between employees from different countries. They need Second Life to hold meetings, hire workers and for some other organizational issues.
IBM™ company hires more than 20,000 people per year from different countries of the world. In order to help people to go through geographical and cultural barriers IBM opened virtual office in Second Life. Using 3D technologies they created virtual workplace where employees from different parts of the world won’t feel isolated from work.
Equally with IBM virtual offices in SL™ have such companies as Dell™, Sun™, AOL™, Warner Bros™, Sony™, Toyota™, Mercedes-Benz™, Adidas™, ReebokUnliever™, Cisco Systems™. Some companies even provide online courses for their stuff using Second Life.