The best part about being a Journalist in Second Life is it’s kinda like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re going to get. While minding my business and staring at the walls of my media center, in strolls an avie who looked a bit worried and confused. I approached him like I usually do to visitors and asked if he needed any help. He began to sob and admit that he had to get something off of his chest and heard I was the perfect person to talk to about his troubled mind. We found a spot and I let him talk it out.
Interview with a Recovering Sexball Addict
Lanai: Thank you for agreeing to sit with me for this very important conversation. I know you wish to remain anonymous so I will just call you S.A.. Is that ok? So what seems to be the problem?
Ex Sexball Addict: Thats fine, yeah. Well I used to have an addiction to Sex Balls in Second Life and would do whatever I could to cure my cravings.
Lanai: Can I ask.. Since there are a variety of Sex balls in SL. Some are pretty Vanilla and others are well…beyond freaky. What are we talking about here?
Ex Sexball Addict: Oh all sorts…against walls, on beds, in hammocks….you name it!
Lanai: OK I got it… It takes a lot of courage to admit you have a problem and even more to express it boldly to me. Let me start by asking… When did you realize you had this serious problem?
Ex Sexball Addict: Well it all started about 12 years ago when I walked into a club and people were pixel humping about the place. I watched for a while and got propositioned by a woman and we found an unused bed upstairs and started doing stuff on the pose balls. I won’t go into graphic details but you can imagine the sort of kinky fun we had. After that I started wanting more and met with this lady a few more times, but she disappeared so i had to get my fix elsewhere.
Lanai: Yea let’s not get into the graphic details. I don’t want to be responsible for your relapse. So tell me, Why did you consider yourself a sex addict when it seems everyone across the grid gets their freak on. According to the annual avie baby census. Birth rates have skyrocketed in the past 6 months. Have you fathered any children during your addiction?
Ex Sexball Addict: Well the sky rocketing has nothing to do with me (laughs). I learned of Mama Allpa after a year and I believe I have 6 kids across the grids. But they were all one night stands and the momma’s never wanted to hear from me again so I let them be.
Lanai: Well good thing child support isn’t enforced in Second Life or you would be screwed (no pun intended). So what was the catalyst in you realizing you had a serious sexball problem and needed help?
Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) this is true. Well the catalyst was when i started paying for sex, i would spend upwards of 10K to get my kicks and would frequent loads of sex only clubs to do so. When i couldn’t pay my real life bills that’s when I knew something was wrong and had to stop and seek help.
Lanai: Well damn 10k! Was that all in a day or over a span of time?
Ex Sexball Addict: It was over a week and at several different places. I had my favourite spots so to speak and would usually do the rounds of 2-3 clubs
Lanai: Hmm 10k over a week span tells me that you went for the low budget escorts.
Ex Sexball Addict: That’s how it started, then the prices rose, soon it was 25k a week.
Lanai: Yeah, that is a serious problem. With the epidemic of gender imposters, do you think a few of them slipped through the cracks with you?
Ex Sexball Addict: Oh probably, but if they presented as female, i took them as female, so to speak. I didn’t care I just needed my jollies and i needed them THEN. I have to admit something, I met a woman at the old SLE offices and we had pixel sex on the desk. It was dangerous but we never got caught. Sorry about that, but i think it might have been YOUR desk.
Lanai: FFS… Good thing we have cameras.. I just never knew who those two were… I respect your honesty though. If it makes you feel any better. It’s a good thing STDs don’t spread in Second life but I have heard of people getting severe carpal tunnel and tennis elbow from vigorous masturbation. Have you experienced that?
Ex Sexball Addict: No not really, I’m not the one that had to worry about that. She was great though, lemme tell ya!
Lanai: I don’t even want to know if she was an employee, the camera quality was pretty gritty…. Anyway, Perhaps it will happen later on in life… SO what have you done to break yourself of this addiction?
Ex Sexball Addict: Well I have a photograph if you need proof (laughs) Anyway I found a group in SL and they helped me immensely. They had a 5 step programme that effectively weaned me off of poseballs and sex clubs and taught me shame, humility and a sense of respect.
Lanai: Yes! I’ve heard about that program. The furry community has really stepped up their game to help the SL community aside from doing whatever it is they do behind the scenes. Tell me more about the 5 steps.
Ex Sexball Addict: Well there were Furries there who had the same addiction so we all helped each other overcome this nasty affliction. Step 1 is realization, admitting you have a problem and coming to terms with it. Step 2 is the shame, the shame it brings on you and others. The other steps i can’t quite remember
Lanai: MMhmm. I see… Sounds like an Alcoholics Anonymous program.
Ex Sexball Addict: Well i never been to one of them so i wouldn’t know
Lanai: Well, from what I heard they really put you through it and you have to call a sponsor whenever you get the urge. So Anyway, now that you are recovering from your sex addiction in Second life, do you mind if I ask…..Did you remove your ummm *points at his packet*. I figure it's the first step in the program…
Ex Sexball Addict: No, I still keep it there for posterity. That and it helps me tell the time and find water. (laughs)
Lanai: LMAO. OK then.
Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) no I still have it in my inventory for that special lady when the time comes to settle down.
Lanai: Well, that brings me to my next question because Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and we all know what’s on everyone's mind on that day. What are your plans?
Ex Sexball Addict: I don’t know in all honesty, I'm not looking for love in SL right now, or anything else for that matter, but who knows? Maybe that special someone is right around the corner and we can have a lasting relationship with or without pixel humping.
Lanai: Lasting relationships in SL are a myth. You have more of a chance finding a Unicorn in a thong. So basically you are telling me that you are practicing abstinence for the rest of your SLife?
Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) That’s not the attitude they taught on the programme. No, just til the right woman comes along. Until then, I’m being a good boy and remembering what the programme taught me.
Lanai: Well, all I can say is I wish you the best of luck in your continued sex sobriety.
Ex Sexball Addict: Thank you, that means a lot.
A surprisingly good article with food for thought.