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Sunday, September 1, 2024


In the many years that I have been writing for SL Enquirer, I have visited Scores of Regions, hundreds of Sims, and probably thousands of parcels in my search for excellence.  Most of those places miss that standard by a mile.  Some places come a little closer.  A very select few of those builds actually accomplish what they set out to do, and become a showcase for excellence in the Virtual World.  Blue Ridge Country is one of those that truly "makes the cut".  I was hopping around the grid the other day and ran into Hannock Evergarden and his lovely bride, ʟoʟǟ Ďεмυřε-ɛʋɛʀɢǟʀɖɛռ (jyden812).  Hannock graciously agreed to take a break from his labors and answer my burning questions about this "Center of Excellence" called Blue Ridge Country.  What follows is the result of that interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:     So, Tell me, Just what makes Blue Ridge Country different from teh other Western Clubs out there?

Hannock Evergarden (HE):     Well first, Blue Ridge Country went out of it's way to not be a western country club. The theme of the club is based on the rural hills of the Appalachian Mountains. Western clubs are a dime a dozen and we wanted to be different. 

JB:     Where did you get the inspiration for your Blue Ridge Country?  and can you share a bit about the history of the place?

HE:     Hannock’s home is in the state of Virginia and is very familiar with the scenery and culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains. That's why you see a lot of moonshine stills around the club, lol.  

BRC opened on September 1, 2023 on a small 1/4 parcel before moving onto a full region in March of '24, adding so much more activities and scenic atmosphere to the club region.

JB:     Did you two develop this on your own, or were you working with others?

HE:     Lola and I conceived and built Blue Ridge Country initially and then brought in our general manager Ange Blackwell to help us on the full sim.  At first, we didn't know how we were going to fill an entire region but in time we actually ran out of room, lol.  After nearly one year of daily operation, we decided to take a 2-month hiatus to reorganize and redesign the club region, so on July 13 operations were shut down and we began working on a plan to revitalize and refresh the club. 

JB:     What did you find was the Biggest challenge in preparing for your Grand reOpening?

HE:     Attracting attention.  23 VIP’s left our group during the shutdown, probably thinking we were permanently closed in spite of our advertising that it was for only 2 months.  We hope to regain those VIPs and add many more after we reopen.  We pulled out the stops in advertising and getting the word out but it's not easy to attract guests when they don't know we're there.   

While the club was shut down many additions and improvements were made to the surrounding club region. The trails were replaced with a simple dirt path making it easier for horseback riding.  The cave now includes a scenic, enchanted cavern with cuddle spots and poses perfect for photography.  Access to the boat dock has been made easier and more boat rezzers have been added to enjoy in our sim wide open water area. A tall water slide has been added to the open water area with a hang glider rezzer at the top that allows guests to view the Blue Ridge region from the air. The beach has been expanded to include a volley ball court and a basketball hoop. Completing the beach additions is a wind surfer rezzer. 

JB:     So then....Tell us about your Grand (re)Opening.

HE:     After a 2-month hiatus, we intend to have a reopening party on Saturday August 31 at 4 PM for staff and VIP’s out on the beach. On Friday, September 6, Blue Ridge Country will reopen full time, 7 days a week 12 PM to 8 PM, with a fresh look and a revitalized staff.  Our fantastic staff is what makes Blue Ridge Country the awesome club that it is.  We would have understood if the staff had decided to move on to other clubs and venues but almost all of BRC's DJ's and Hosts hung in there during the break and will return on September 6. Our staff is eager to get the club rolling again.  

JB:     What are some of the things people can do at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The list is long but some things are: Horseback riding with expanded and improved trails, cave exploration, a multi-level tree house for cuddling or to just take in sounds of wildlife and scenery, stores for shopping, an expanded beach area with a volley ball court, bowling alley, trampoline and a diving board as well as our DJ Desires music sets every Saturday.  The boat dock has easier access and includes rezzers for Kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, bumper boats and jet skis and an open water area to have fun in.  We have added a water slide and also a hang glider rezzer at the top, it's easy to use and the views are spectacular!

JB:     Do you have full time rental property available here?  And maybe a link for potential renters?  

HE:       The most exciting addition are rental cottages.  Now guests can vacation at BRC and enjoy all the fun things as well as being right next to the club where they can enjoy our awesome DJ's and perhaps make some new BRC friends.  

On the Blue Ridge region, we have 5 short term vacation rentals ranging from L$50/day to L$300/day.  There are rental kiosks at each rental cottage. 

Although not a part of the club region there are two more regions connected to it both also owned by Lola and myself.  Sweet Magnolia Bay for full time land rental and Blue Water Bay vacation rentals with full access to the open water area. 

JB:     Who would you see as the ideal guest at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The ideal guest would be just down to Earth people that want to have a good time free of drama and stress. We love seeing people enjoy the surrounding areas and the best country music our awesome DJ's provide.

JB:     Is there anything else you would care to share with our readers?

HE:     Blue Ridge Country has zero tolerance for drama. We simply want everyone to have fun and to be a part of our crazy family.  Blue Ridge Country wants to be a place everyone feels welcome and have a good time.  So come hang out with us and come get your fun fix! 

JB:     Where can a person go who might be interested in learning more about Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     Come straight to the club, everything you need to know is there.  You can leave a note card to one of the owners if we are not open or just ask any staff member and they will be happy to help you. 




So there ya have it folks.  Have I ever lied to you before?  Trust me, you are definitely going to want to check this place out.  You will be SOOOOooo glad you did!  Go alone, or better yet, take a friend. And when you get there, tell 'em Josh sent ya.

Be There!  Aloha!



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