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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Tips For Creating A Work Area You Actually Want To Use

 When working from your house, the biggest struggle is getting out of the mindset that you’re at home. It’s so easy to be distracted by all the niggly things to do around the place and the general laid-back atmosphere compared to working from an office that it can impact your ability to get things done as you would otherwise. Yet this doesn’t need to be the case. It’s easier than you might think to cultivate a better working environment from your own home. In this article we explore just how you can do it and what you should do. Keep on reading to find out more and get inspired.

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels: 

Create a dedicated area to work from

The first thing you need when working from home, is a dedicated workspace. If you don’t have a proper space to work, you’ll end up on a sofa or sitting in your dining room surrounded by clutter. None of these are ideal for getting things done and you’ll find you’re not motivated to plough through your task list either. Instead, have a set space which is just for your work, whether this be a desk in your room or a dedicated study. 

Keep your workspace tidy

There are many ways you can keep your workspace tidy and one of the first things you need to do is sort out all your wires. In today’s technologically focused landscape, you’ll have many leads for different devices and these can soon get cluttered. Use plastic enclosures to hide them and keep the space looking neat or just keep electronics out of the way. You can also get things such as pen pots and drawers or an under-desk cabinet to keep papers and other items out of the way. Ensure you tidy your work space at the end of every work day, getting rid of things such as coffee cups and lunch plates so you can start afresh the next day. 

Ensure it looks nice

As well as the above, you want a work area that looks nice. Put some artwork up on the walls, or photos that make you happy. Add in some plants for splashes of colour and try to find a space that has plenty of natural light for you to soak up. Having a space that looks nice and is somewhere you want to spend time in can do wonders for your work ethic! Pinterest has some great inspiration for this that you can check out.

These are just a few things you can do to create a workspace from home that you actually want to use. Instead of just sitting on the sofa with your laptop in front of you, you’re able to put the hours in and then relax once 5pm hits. What are some of your top tips for creating a useful working space? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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