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Monday, March 11, 2024

Let's celebrate march 12th- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


Today is a reason to Celebrate! Not just because waking up everyday is a reason but did you know there are unofficial holidays today? Some weird and some wacky but hey there’s something for everyone. I got up bright and early to get ready for the long day of festivities.

World against Cyber Censorship Day

Let’s begin with today being the unofficial World against Cyber Censorship Day. It was first observed on March 12, 2008 by reporters without Borders and Amnesty International. 

 Lemme draw some attention to this day and just mention how some governments around the world like to deter and censor free speech online. Shame on them!  If you ain’t out here giving hate speeches and just being a random stupid blogger about nonsense to stir up the masses,  this day is one to observe. If you like to voice opinions and share information in a peaceful and informative manner without all the ugly have a great day and fight for freedom of expression online! Send The SL Enquirer a press release. It's free today!

Submit your press release here! 

Girl Scout Week Kicks off today!

For those of you who were once a Girl Scout or have daughters in the business of sellin those delicious cookies outside of Walmart and Petco, then cheers to you. Celebrate this day if you are a fan of Girl Scouts and buy some cookies and help support their cause!

Plant a Flower Day!

With the weather starting to warm up and Spring just around the corner, now is the time to plant a seed for national Plant a flower day! If you got a medical marijuana card, plant the other kinda flower. 4/20 is Next Month…Just sayin.

Green Society:

Lanai workin the pole with no shame

National Working Moms Day

Hey ladies, if you got kids, chores and errands to run, Celebrate today for being a Super mom and throwing a job into your daily routine. Being just a housewife is kinda outdated if you ask me. Handling your business like a boss is something to celebrate!

Equal Pay Day

Pffft. I’m a woman, I’m still waiting on that big fat raise. I’ll celebrate when I get it…

Alfred Hitchcock Day

Ok now this one I’m not too sure about. If you are a fan of vintage nerve-wracking suspense and twisted endings, then bust out your VHS tapes and slap an old Hitchcock movie in your VCR (if you even own one). I mean.. How else would you celebrate this day? Go to an SL movie theater and add popcorn to the mix?

SYC Movie Theater:

World Glaucoma Day

Ok peeps if you have been putting off eye exams and need new glasses, or you can’t see for shit without them (like me) why not make an appointment? Ask your ophthalmologist if they are giving discounts for Glaucoma Day… Worth given it a shot *shrugs*

Deep Static Eyewear:

National Organize your office day

If you been meaning to clear your desk of random paper stacks, used post it notes and an assortment of other messes like a 4 day old coffee mug with a sip left in it, take the time today to do one clean swipe into the trash bin nearby and get it done and over with.

The Office:

Brain Injury Awareness Month.

 If you have ever been asked by a parent or friend “What the hell is wrong with you?”, you may be a candidate to celebrate this day, otherwise call someone who has or had brain trauma and just let them know you are thinking about them. I know when I got out of a coma it made me feel good when peeps asked how I was doing.  There’s a cool educational sim in Second life you can also visit to learn more about Brain health. 

WBH ( Whole brain health) Check it out here:

Adopt-a-rescued-Guinea Pig Month

 March is the unofficial  Adopt-a-rescued-Guinea Pig Month.  FFS...Nuff said.

Aeon Pets:

So there you have it, a fun filled day of shit to do for March 12th!

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