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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Invitation to Kinetics Dance Trunk Show: Celebrating the Season of Love (or Not)!


We invite you to our February Trunk Show! Join us at Kinetics Dance Theatre where our talented performers will take you on a journey through love, exploring both the joyous moments of connection and the liberating expressions of independence. Whether you're a hopeless romantic or someone who thrives on the anti-establishment vibe, our Trunk Dance Show promises an evening of entertainment, emotion, and a celebration of the diverse ways people experience love. Come and be a part of this unique experience that transcends the conventional boundaries of love, reminding us that it's indeed different for everyone. We look forward to sharing this special evening with you! With love (and a touch of rebellion), Kinetics Dance

🌟 Trunk Show: February 21st @ 6 pm SLT 📍 Where:

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