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Saturday, January 6, 2024


One of the Services that the Editor in Chief at the SL Enquirer has arranged is to give back to the community through monthly drawings for a Free Spotlight Feature - our Deluxe Advertising Package.  This month’s winner was Divalin and the Kinetics Dancers.  I was not sure what to expect on this assignment, since the word “Kinetics” can have several meanings.  In the Military, or the world of politics, the phrase “Kinetic Solution” usually means blowing something up, as opposed to just talking through an issue.  But in this case, it meant I would probably be watching scantily clad women bounding around a stage.  “Oh well”, I told myself. “SOMEBODY has to do it.” 

I set out on my quest to locate the illusive Miss Divalin Magic, the Grand Poobah of the Kinetics Dancers, and found her on a Sky Platform, busily preparing for their next production that would make Busby Berkley proud. She graciously consented to collect her Chief Herder of Cats, Olivia Wonder, and together they accompanied me to the SL Enquirer Business office where we could chat comfortably, away from the “roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd” as it were.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Ladies.  How did you two meet?  And how did you decide on a partnership in the performing arts?

Divalin Magic (DM):   We met years ago on another virtual platform, called "InWorldz".  I had not done any type of performance art up to that point, but after meeting O, and our Kinetics DJ Chopper, they convinced me to give it a try.  I was hooked!  After InWorldz folded, I came back to SL and started exploring the dance community.  Several years later, O expressed her desire to have her own theatre, and now here we are.

Olivia Wonder (OW):   Actually we met in open sim in 2012 helping a friend (who is now our DJ) open up a burlesque club.  It was a big success as far as open sim's go.  We worked well together, we both balance each other’s weakness and strong points.  So while dancing together at another theater we decided we might give it a try, and began brain storming.

JB:   How long has your dance troupe, Kinetics Dance Team, been together?

DM:   Kinetics Dance was founded in 2021, with our grand opening in November of that year.  We took about six months to develop our vision on how we wanted the troupe to grow and a huge aspect of that was to make sure this was fun and "home."

OW:   It’s been like the rapids of a river, always changing but thrilling at the same time.

JB:   Just who makes up Kinetics Dance Team?

DM:   We have a very robust group of choreographers, backup dancers, DJ's, hosts and photographers.  We have a small management team which includes our sponsor, MrRoarke.    Everyone steps up and helps us whatever way they can.  For example, we have a troupe member who tackles the poster creation and another who takes on advertising.

OW:   We are a huge mix of SL talent, each with their special skill. We have amazing choreographers, builders, photographers, videographers, scrip-tors, & DJ's, the Kinetics Team reeks with talents to be sure.  But.....  MstrRoark has to be our biggest contributor to the club, he keeps the lights on and is there for every show, encouraging every step.

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

DM:   Our staff is small - but as mentioned earlier, our team helps us as much as they can.  The primary running of the troupe is between O and Divalin. 

OW:   Everyone on our team will help at any moment, from updating the spreadsheet, to creating monthly posters, and I do appreciate that so much, but the majority, of the hands on is done by myself and Divalin Magic.

JB:   Are you looking for new Dancers?  And how would they find out?  Do you host “Dance Job Fairs”…or “Dance Marathons”, where the last Avi standing gets to join up?

DM:   Generally, new dancers come find us.  I think word is out that we are a fun bunch!!  We do have one feature, and that is we personally invite choreographers from the dance community to do a set of their choice each month.  And that has led to a few staying, and becoming a Kineticsan!

OW:   We have been so blessed that the best talents in SL have searched us out.  What a Blessing.  Just ask anyone on staff.. we all chat and communicate so everyone knows.

JB:   A quick search turns up dozens and dozens of Dance Troupes in SecondLife, involving hundreds, if not thousands of dancers.  What is it that makes up the “Kinetics Dance Team” difference?

OW:   First and Foremost.... it's got to be fun.  All the members of the staff are volunteer, so if it's not a rewarding way to spend your SL, they will soon move on.  We try really hard to give each member of our staff a place to express their creativity and skills.

DM:   What makes us different?  I fondly say "we are all crazy here!"   And we are - being serious during rehearsal just doesn't happen.  Showtime, we all step up - but before that, if we aren't laughing, then we are doing something wrong. 

JB:   How many people do you draw to a performance, on average, and how do people find out about your productions?

DM:   Our average is about 50 to 60 people at a show.  That's a comfortable number that helps to keep the lag down for our choreographers.  As we all have experienced in SL - big crowds equal major lag events.  We'd rather do extra shows, and make the experience better for our guests.

OW:   We offer 3 shows a month, all different, so if you can't make it one night, there will always be another show.

JB:   Who do you hope to attract to your shows? What special group of people might find Kinetics Dance Team especially appealing?

DM:   Everyone!  You don't need to be a dancer or actor to appreciate the arts.  All dance performances are about artistic vision. 

OW:   Everyone and Anyone...... the only ones we won't allow on the sim are the babes.  This is an adult event ONLY. We offer some amazing effects, lighting, and choreographing.  If you've never seen a SL stage performance before, start with Kinetics, we promise you'll be back.

JB:   I understand you also own or are involved with a couple of other businesses.  Would you care to comment briefly on those other enterprises?

DM:   Almost all our troupe members are involved with other theatres in the dance community.  And we try to get to as many of their shows as possible.  There are many, many people in this community who have taken me personally under their wing, and helped me gain confidence.  It remains a privilege to share my work in their troupes as well.

OW:   We focus on making this a sister/brother hood, not a competition.  If one of our friends in another troupe sends out an SOS for help we try and step up if possible.  We help by preforming in their shows, advertise for their shows in our groups, and any other way they might need us.  I want to reach across SL to make a friend, not start a competition.

JB:   Is there anything else you want to share with our readers today?

DM:   Kinetics Dance was once just an idea, and now we are entering our 3rd year.  How long will it endure?  For as long as it is meant to.  And the focus will remain on having fun.  Isn't that what SL is for?

OW:   I can sit here all day and talk about how amazing our club is, but what I'd really like to happen is:  For your reader to take a chance, come to our show, and let them tell all their friends what a good time they had.  I want others to speak for Kinetics Dance, so I can smile and not have to say a word.




So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for something different in the world of show dance-teams, look no farther than The Kinetics Dancers, headed up by Divalin and Olivia.  Go early to get a good seat in their intimate and cozy theater.  Tell ‘em “Josh sent me”.  You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!


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