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Tuesday, November 7, 2023



Sooo…the other day I was hopping around the grid, bouncing from sim to sim, looking for new and exciting things to do in this wonderful world of pixels.  Suddenly, faintly at first, then growing louder, came the sound of angelic singing, wafting over the airwaves.   I was instantly captivated like Ulysses and the call of the Sirens.  Yet, unlike Ulysses, I had no one to tie me to the mast, lest I fall victim to the enchantment.  I followed the dulcimer tones as they wafted over the airwaves.  Before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of a concert.  The vocalist?  A woman named Raven Zenoria.  I stood there…transfixed…unaware of either my location or the passage of time.  Finally, I was awakened from my stupor by the riotous applause at the end of her concert.  After several more minutes, I was finally coherent enough to head back stage.  I found Raven in her dressing room, preparing to leave, and she graciously consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    Hello Raven,  and thank you for agreeing to chat with me this evening on such short notice.  Share with our readers, please.  Just when did you first start singing and who were your initial audiences?

Raven (Raven Zenoria) (RZ): In Real Life, I first started singing when I was almost 6 years old. I sang in school choir, and solo at various places. As an adult, I have performed anywhere I could.

In Second Life, I started singing back in 2014. I have performed all over Second Life. My audiences....The only way I can explain it is extremely diverse.

JB:    How was it you happened to get this job, singing in SecondLife?

RZ:   Aside from my family and friends, my one true love has always been music. It gives me a feeling of freedom. I noticed how music can change people, heal, and bring people together. I wanted to be a part of that.

JB:    What genre of music do you sing, and do you have a favorite?

RZ:   I like to sing all genres of music. Any song i can get my hands on that moves me in some way, I will sing it. My favorite has always been rock.

JB:    You said you sing in RL as well.  Can you tell me more about that?

RZ:   I do sing in RL. I stopped doing live performances in RL to focus more on studio work. Jay and I are putting together an album. It is coming along slower than expected, but we are working hard to get it released.

JB:    So, how did you come to learn that you could also sing in the virtual world as well?

RZ:   Back in 2014, one of my friends found out that I sing. I didn't talk about it to anyone. So I was asked to perform one day, and I found that I liked it.

JB:    What type of audience do you hope to attract to your performances?

RZ:   I don't discriminate. I love to be around all people from all walks of life. The only thing I ask of people that attend my shows, is that they respect themselves and others around them.

JB:    How long have you been doing this now?

RZ:   In Real Life, I have been performing for 36 years. In Second Life, I have been performing for 9 years. It has been and still is an awesome experience in both lives! I can't wait to see what comes next.

JB:    Do you have standing gigs you do each week, or do you mix it up, and where might someone go to learn where to catch your next gig?

RZ:   I have standing gigs that I do weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. You can always look at my Google calendar and profile picks. In my picks, you can find the SLURL to the gigs. I try to make it easy to get to my shows.

JB:    As performer in Sl, you must meet people looking to hook up, don't you? How do you handle the Fans who may want more from you than just your music?

RZ:   I am in a committed relationship in RL. My partner and I don't date outside of our relationship. Behind every avatar in SL, there is a real person with real feelings. I don't like to play around with people's feelings. It is just not fair. I am always open to having more friends though!

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers before you head home for the evening?

RZ:   I am a builder, singer, performing artist. I have my hands in many things, but the stage is my home. On stage, I try to reach out to many different age groups. I love sharing my love of music with everyone, in hopes that it makes a positive impact on their lives.

The number one thing I speak out about at my shows is something I strive to live for each day. My message to everyone is that you don't have to conform to what others want, think, or tell you to be.  You are a strong, beautiful person who impacts the world around you in many ways. It is up to you to make a positive difference in your life. You be what you want to be, just never forget where you came from. You are you, and that is what makes you special.

I want to do a special shout-out to Amalia, Dee, and Teresa. Thank you for sticking by me, and hosting the shows. You are very much family to me. I love you!

JB:    Do you have any groups or social media sites, like FLICKR, SnapChat, Twitter, etc, where people can learn more about you and your incredible music?

Google Calendar:




Discord:   ravenzenoria

So there you have it, Folks.  In a land where you have lots of singers out there, how do you know the “really Greats” from the “also sings”?  Wellllll…for starters,  you can take my word for it.  Hey!  You’re reading this article on the internet…and if it’s on the internet, it HAS to be true, right? But if that isn’t good enough (or even if it is), go catch one of Raven’s shows and decide for yourself. 

Check her out.  And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.   You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!


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