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Sunday, September 10, 2023

9/11 Memorial -I will Always Remember and Never Forget -Lanai Jarrico Reporting...


September 11, 2001 is a day in American History that stopped the world in a gasp as an attack on America played out on every News station. I can still remember that morning clearly as I was getting my little girl ready for kindergarten. I got a call from my husband who was at work. He asked me to turn on the news. I watched in horror as smoke was billowing out of the first tower hit as the news was unfolding. It was Flight 11. 

As I watched, I saw the second plane; Flight 175 hit the second tower. Terrified by what I was seeing,  I was afraid to take my daughter to school or even leave the house for fear of more attacks.  

By 9:37am Flight 77 crashed through the Pentagon.  At 9:59am, the South tower collapsed followed by Flight 93 crashing into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:02am.

 Then the North tower collapsed by 10:28am. It felt like everything was happening at once. 

 All I could see was a cloud of dust and debris that covered NYC and damaged surrounding buildings.  People were confused and frantic running for their lives covered in white dust.  It was the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed on live tv. I stood in silence with my mind going a million miles an hour. What was happening? How could this be a coincidence? I had family who lived in Manhattan and worked close to the towers. Were they safe? Almost 3,000 people lost their lives that day. 

 I spent the next hours and days flipping through different news channels while reporters were trying to make sense of what was going on In NYC, PA and the Pentagon in Washington DC.

Shockwaves from this horrific event in our history carried on around the world for weeks, then months and even years later the magnitude of those days still haunts the lives of everyone who was affected.

 About 7 months after the attacks, I took a trip to ground zero. It was eerie. Sadness permeated the whole area. It was surreal as I walked around.  There were thousands of pictures, posters, balloons, flowers and stuffed animals on the fences that surrounded the gaping hole where the twin towers once stood. I was consumed with emotion. The adjacent building was shrouded in safety tarps with scars from the flying debris. I remember looking at a large mangled steel beam that resembled a cross. It was a time in history that changed us all, the war on terrorism was born. This is something I will always remember and will never forget.

Memorials & Events in Second Life for 9/11

Second Life has a A Tribute to The Victims & Heroes Who Lost Their Lives on September 11, 2001

9/11 Memorial - Always Remember, Never Forget

9/11 Memorial @ The River 12:00pm SLT

9/11 Patriot Day At Rockin Robin Remembers 12pm SLT 

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? Share your story in the comment box below.

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