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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Secrets of a Goddess- Abrielle Bailey

I go by Goddess Bailey and I have a question to ask. It comes from my soul. The very essence of who I am It doesn’t matter if it's hidden deep inside a body that will wither away in time. I believe our souls learn, grow and move on to greater things over many lifetimes.  We are all born on earth with a clean slate from a past where we return to finish tasks from a previous life. Once we reach the old soul age, we become wise, live, let live and seek peace by all means necessary.


 When asked the meaning of life, shouldn’t it be easy to answer? Sadly, it’s not as we all find ourselves in trials and tribulations. It’s all part of the plan. Whatever the end goal is. None of us have the privilege of knowing. We believe what makes sense to us. I respect that. My writing may inspire you to use your energy to draw in only those who are worthy of your presence. Protect yourself from negative energy.

Second Life is a powerful place where we meet with our souls from the inside out. No matter our human appearance or earthly possessions. it doesn't matter. We are all sprites of the same source. If you paid attention in Science class, energy is never ending, it just finds itself back to the source that binds us all. We get drained and we recharge.

You can feel energy even in a virtual world if you pay close attention. Second Life is the source for thousands who can gather and find meaning, self awareness, discover things about themselves and meet others from all over the world. It’s the draw that makes us a unique community. The very reason we continue to come back. You are in control of your own destiny while taking a break from the world. Learn to balance the two so you aren't neglecting either life.

 I married very young and had children, right out of high school not in that order but since the tender age of 16, I found myself living a life that everyone expected of me. At that age our brains and bodies are still developing. I had to grow up fast and start making life choices that put my youthful development  on hold. I set aside my ambitions to ensure my children had the upbringing they deserve. I had to learn along the way.  As time went on going through the motions of life, I forgot who I was or never got a chance to know.  I skipped a vital stage of life that would have made me develop the skills and experiences I needed to navigate through adulthood. I’m not the only one. There are women all over the world that can relate and understand what I am saying.

One by one the children grew up into products of our parenting, Once they moved out into the world on their own life journeys. I found myself feeling lost with no self identity. I feared the world and stayed in what I was used to until I realized I was not truly happy.. I didn’t want to suffer in silence and live to please everyone else while draining away my own life.

I took a leap of faith after  26 years and tested my own strength. I needed to know what I was capable of. The epiphany occurred when I moved to another state for his career. I thought, will this always be the case?  Do I continue to put my needs and wants on the backburner? What if the flame goes out, I’ll look back at my life with regrets wondering what I could have contributed to the world.

When I made the decision to leave, I did it with the hopes my son and daughter would understand that I love them beyond words. My sacrifices. I

I deserve to be happy so I took my chances and bet on me.

In the past year, I learned I do have strength way beyond I ever thought in my entire life. I focused on my intent, my goals and what I wanted. 

Here I am today a strong confident woman. I am still a mother but I am also a writer, artist, hard worker, friend and a Goddess in my own right. I earn a living that sustains me and I did it all on my own. I never want to need a man to take care of me. I want to choose love

 because I want it. When I am ready I will.

I am forever grateful for those who inspire me and remind me who I really am and make sure I  achieve the things I set out to do without judgment. It’s called unconditional love. 

I continue to check off my goals and set new ones. I genuinely smile. I sleep well and I live my life. It is not perfect but it is perfectly mine.

 If you see me in Second Life spending time with friends, exploring the grid by myself or sitting on a throne surrounded by potential suitors.  It is because I am a Goddess and it was earned simply by being me and choosing peace in the presence of only positive energy. I may write for The SL Enquirer from time to time but you are welcome to look me up in Second Life. I don’t mind meaningful conversation.

How do you choose to live both your lives?

-Abrielle Bailey,

A True Goddess

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