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Tuesday, August 29, 2023


SecondLife is truly a land of infinite possibilities for those with the determination and the imagination to make their dreams come true.  For the artist, the possibilities of pixel art are amazing.  And for the music lover, world-class performances with top-notch talent are only a few mouse clicks away.  But by far, the vast majority of musical entertainment is provided by DJs and their talented Hosts.  Together, they work to provide residents with a fun and engaging musical experience.

The best of those DJs and Hosts rise quickly to the top of the heap, and I was fortunate enough to meet two such individuals on my last trip to Saddles  Canyon Country Retreat. Laser Stratten is the DJ of the Month at Saddles, and Abby Walker has been selected as the Saddles Host of the Month.   I was able to catch up with these two extraordinary entertainers between sets the other day, and they were willing to share with me the secret of their success as DJ and Host.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellis) JB:   Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.  Sooo…tell me, please.  Just how long have you been in the DJ and Host business?

Laser Stratten (LS):   I started DJing when a friend of mine was a manager at Wildcats when it was just beginning around 2012.  I was still working in RL doing a job that required many hours of my time, so I was mainly a fill-in DJ. I didn't really start taking permanent sets until a few years later.

Abby Walker (AW):  I have been hosting for close to 10 years now. Although, it does not seem that long.

JB:    What made you get started in this job?

LS:    I've always enjoyed listening to music.  I joined SL out of curiosity but soon got caught up in going to live music events and gained some DJ friends.  I really didn't have plans to be a DJ  until this manager friend convinced me I should.  I had help getting set up with a SAM Broadcaster and began accumulating music.  I also got help from some experienced DJ's on how to use the SAM and set up music to present to the club VIP's. I developed my own style over the years.

SB:  How many clubs are you currently hosting?

LS:    I am only working at one venue at this time, but I've worked a many different ones through the years. I'm not averse to working in multiple clubs, but working at only one club can sometimes turn into a family atmosphere which I enjoy.

AW:    Currently, I mainly only host at Saddles. I am a host at two other clubs: Copperhead Roads and I’m a fill-in at Bearfoot & Buckwild.

JB:      What genre of music do you play, and do you have a favorite?

LS:    I play mostly country and red dirt. Some classic and Southern rock, too.  I like to highlight my home State of Texas and the large variety of musical talent that exists here.

JB:    Do you have your own group? 

LS:    I do!  My group members are called Laser Beams!


AW:       As a host, I do not have my own group. However, I do know a few hosts that have a large enough following for a group.

JB:    You two make a great team, and we can see the real chemistry there. Do you two normally work together, or do you do separate gigs?

LS:    Abby and I met at a club quite a few years ago.  She would host for me at times, but it seems that she is my exclusive host at Saddles.  She is a misplaced Texas girl who grew up not far from where I live now in Texas, so it's fun for us to work together.

AW:      Lately, we have been working together a lot. Especially at Saddles. But in the past, we have not always worked together even though we have worked at the same clubs before. We have known each other for several years.

JB:    The best DJs and Hosts are usually good-looking, friendly, and outgoing…at least the good ones are. And as semi-celebs, they must have people looking to hook up, don't they? How do handle the Fans who may want more from you than just your music?

LS:    My DJ mentor, Strummer Skytower actually warned me about that.  I was in a committed relationship at that time, so when I did get a few flirty IMs, I'd just ignore them or laugh it off. Yeah, it does happen at times, I guess.  And if a DJ is so inclined, they can meet some new people that way.  These days, I am a happily married man in both RL and SL.  We met in SL and are now married in RL.  We met when she was a club owner and I was a DJ looking for work.  I tell her when someone IMs me to tell me they like how I DJ or comment about my voice and she tells me..." Yeah, they're trying to flirt with you" and we chuckle about it.

AW:      There have been a few times where someone has tried to hook up with me. I always try to be friendly to everyone and even flirt a little, but if it gets too much, I let the person know they need to back down. I simply tell them we can be friends and no more.

JB:    Awww…so your marriage, Laser, was truely “A Match made in SL”.  So tell me, how would you advise someone who wants to get into your line of work  What would it take?

LS:    It takes a working knowledge of the music you intend to play.  And you need to be able to express yourself over a microphone.  Most club owners don't want you to just be a radio.  They want you to engage the VIPs and make it interesting. I try very hard to do that.

AW:      I would say if someone wants to become a host, they should watch how other hosts operate in the clubs. Keep a notecard up and if the host says something you really like then type/copy it down and even reword it to make it more personal. I would encourage them to jump right in and just do it. Most clubs are willing to let someone new try it out and they will help them along.

JB:      Why is it that people often don't tip the host or tip the host less than the  DJ?

LS:    To be honest, I don't usually get notified when a host gets tipped.  But being a host, a GOOD host, is hard work.  I've hosted before, and it's not fun to me! They have to be on their toes to greet the VIPs and disseminate all the information the club owners and managers need them to make known.  So tipping them less than the DJ is just not right.  I always tip them the same as the DJ unless I really know the DJ well.

AW:     As a host, I do see this often. I think most people feel the DJ does more work and must pay to get the music. They don’t realize that the host is not just up there looking good. We send out all notices, spam multiple groups, welcome everyone into the club, and monitor chat for any issues going on, if we hear something wrong with the music or can’t hear voiceovers, we should contact the DJ to let him know. DJs and Hosts both play a vital role in the success of a club and the set and we do an equal amount of work to make it a success.

JB:    Point is well taken, Abby.  So…Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Readers? 

LS:    People need to know that running a SL club is not an easy, or inexpensive undertaking.  I would bet that most clubs are not money-makers.  So, when the DJ or Host asks for donations to the club, please know that it is expensive to pay for clubs.  These owners do all they do as a labor of love and all their support - and yours - is much appreciated

AW:       I would encourage anyone who would like to become a Host or DJ to just do it, and not be afraid. Most people here in SL are very supportive and really, it’s all about just having fun.


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