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Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Magic of Mavenn - Samuel Roberts Reporting

         There’s something in a person’s voice that catches you, there are people that can sing sure but every now and then you hear a voice that almost physically grabs your attention. For me it was Mavenns voice when I was lucky enough to catch a 4am show at Cafe Musique. She has a haunting rasp and yet a gentleness to the way her tone rings out across the airwaves, and I know we are all dancing at these shows we go to but Mavenns voice has me dancing in my chair not just in avatar form. There’s a magic to the notes she hits.

         I think sometimes in second life we forget how blessed we are to have such amazing talent on our grids, I for one have taken it for granted, surrounded by amazing, gifted people, one of which was this amazing woman who sang like a Goddess and it turns out this isn’t an opinion held by me alone because the crowds gathered for this event were a testament to her reach and impact which was not surprising. I caught up with Mavenn after the show to ask her a bit about her journey, check it out.


      Samuel: Hi Maven, quick question to begin with, how long have you been doing this in SL, this music thing.


Mavenn: 11 years tbh, it's been a bit of journey but I wouldn’t change it for a thing, it's been amazing and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon lol


      Samuel: Wow, that’s commitment, what keeps you going, what motivates you I guess to not just stop sometimes or move on?


Mavenn: Oh I love this, everything about it, every aspect. I Mean it’s not something you can explain, you have to be in the culture to understand what I mean.


      Samuel: So, this is kind of not a job you do, its more of a life you live?


Mavenn: Absolutely. Music has always filled my soul with magic. I have come to realize that I have the ability to experience that with others too. That's real connection.


      Samuel: One more question for you Mavenn before we go, who are your top 3 collab pics of all time.


Mavenn: Eric Gales, Joe Bonamasa, Christone Ingram


      Samuel: Wonderful speaking with you, see you up there Mavenn.


         In short, Mavenn is a goddess, her music, vibe, and overall presentation is legit and I’m ALL IN, joined the group, subscribe to the scribo, and WILL be back.

Additional Information: 

SLURL: Cafe Musique:

Group: Mavenns Group URI: secondlife:///app/group/9a07db0b-c458-66ea-9e99-84965f88e837/about

Preferred contact: To Book Mavenn IM her InWorld Using Mavenn

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