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Sunday, July 30, 2023


I have always been a fan of County Music. Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, (and his son, Junior), Tammy Wynette – All would regularly belt out their tunes from the Radio in my Ford Ranchero.   Since before David Allan Coe noted that the perfect country song would include “momma, trains, trucks, prison & getting drunk”, Country Music had captured the hearts and minds of people world-wide.

Recently I was privileged to enjoy the dulcimer tones of oomissoootrishoo.nightingale, one of SecondLife’s newest live country singers.  I caught up with Miss Nightengale while she was relaxing following a recent concert. She graciously agreed to answer a few questions, the answers to which I now share with you, the SL Enquirer reader. 

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So, tell me, Trish. How did you initially develop an interest in Singing? 

oomissoootrishoo.nightingale (MT) I have been singing since I was just a toddler.  My dad's side of the family all sing (most of them yodel) and I used to love hearing my dad sing so much that I started trying to sing with him to the radio.  I got into choir in the 5th grade at school and have continued singing all of my life along to the radio or in karaoke bars or on-line karaoke.

JB:    Do you perform as a Singer in RL? Maybe in a Church choir, or in the kitchen?  Or in the shower?

MT:   I sing at karaoke bars sometimes and am always singing along to the radio or just belting out a song in the shower or while cleaning without any music.  My poor husband and kids must be tired of hearing me sing by now!! haha

JB:    How did you first come to learn about Second Life?

MT:    I was in a Singsnap room on paltalk and my friend Arra kept mentioning having concerts she had to do later that night.  I said that I wished that I lived near her so that I could hear her in concert.  She told me that it was not IRL that it was in second life and I could make a free account and come hear her sing so that is what I did.

JB:    How did you decide to be a Vocalist in SL?

MT:   The first month I was on SL I just logged into my account to hear Arra and Angelikus sing then I would log back off.  I looked like a naughty school teacher in my original avi and I carried around a torch at all of their concerts.  I think I was embarrassing them so Angelikus told me I needed to get my avatar fixed up.  I bought some lindens and she helped me fix up my avatar then she and Arra took me shopping and taught me how to save my appearances.  I spent the next week playing with my new clothes and getting outfits together so I could look cute at their concerts.  Then my other friend from Singsnap, mittzy, logged into SL after many years of being gone just to take me to the O'lounge to start singing over here.  It was all uphill from there :)

JB:    Have your musical tastes changed over the years, or were you always a C&W fan?

 MT:   I have always been a C&W fan but I grew up around pop, rock and heavy metal due to my cousins and my brother all loving everything but country.  They all used to make fun of me and my country music! haha  But I am thankful for them because I know all kinds of music today because of them :)

JB:    Who has had the most influence on your singing style?

MT:   I have always been a Reba fan my whole life but I would have to say I love me some Carrie Underwood as well!  Everyone seems to like me doing a lot of Pam Tillis songs though for some reason! haha

JB:    You have made amazing progress here for one so young to the ways of SL?  A list full of Favorite locations and a detailed, fully developed avatar – things not usually seen in one so new to the game.  Would you care to share your secret, if I promise to keep it just between us, and maybe some of our 90,000 readers? Cross my heart!

MT:   hahaha I would love to share :) So Angelikus Deo (a dear friend of mine) gets 100% credit for my Avatar.  She took me to all the stores to pick out what I wanted to look like then she remoted into my pc to put it all together for me and didn't she do an amazing job!!! Arra gets the credit for taking me shopping and helping me learn how to save my outfits so I could look cute at her concerts.  Mitzy gets the credit for taking me to the O'lounge to get me started in my karaoke on SL.  Urban Harvy gets the credit for my sound setup, pushing me to stop singing flat,  taking me all over the grid to karaoke to get my voice heard, helping me build every single thing I have including but not limited to my tip boards (I have so many) my house, my self-streaming stage and karaoke board at my house, painting my house re-modeling my whole house and for taking me to Saddles to get my first job.  Ashley, the owner of Saddles, gets the credit for getting me on the actual stage to be a performer by  hosting my debut performance at Saddles on 6/8/23.  She made me a GM of her venue and taught me all the ropes of running a venue, hosting, and helping me get lots of practice singing in front of a live audience. 

JB:    Did you know there is a SL Music Hall of Fame? It is for those who “have demonstrated a commitment to the art that is UNSURPASSED.”  Might that interest you at all and have you looked into that?

MT:    I have not heard of that and I would be delighted to learn more about it and am definitely interested in being a part of it!

JB:    Where would you like to be in SL in 5 years?

MT:   I would like to be known to have touched many people’s lives in a positive way either through my singing or through hanging out and sharing in many many laughs or known for my very giving heart.  I would love to be a positive influence for the SL community for sure!

JB:    Is there anything else you would care to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

MT:    I have a genuine love for people.  I love to see people happy and having a great time.  When someone else is hurting I am right there crying along with them like a big ole baby.  I can't handle seeing someone homeless and out in the cold.  I feel God puts these people in my path because he knows I will not turn my head to them.  I will do everything I can to try to help with either a phone call for them or some money or a hot meal.  I always put everyone else’s needs before my own.  My kids look amazing when they leave my house but I may look like a hot mess!  When I love I love hard and I do not hate anyone nor do I hold grudges.  If I am mad, you will know it, then I will be over it and apologizing to you and wanting to hug your neck! haha

I am a foster mom and married to a minister IRL.  I had no idea he was a minister when I got with him that came out about a year later as he had not been in his ministry for several years.  He got back into it and has been full force into ministry about 3 years now.  He is working on me and my sinful ways but I am definitely a work in progress!!! haha  I would love to be a good obeying Christian woman but I definitely do fall short of grace!  Hopefully I will get there someday!  I love the Lord with all my heart but definitely am not perfect nor do I live a perfect Christian life!  Pray for me, y'all, and I will continue to pray for you all too! <3


Group: secondlife:///app/group/1f0114d3-d31e-7f88-e1c3-769ee51e2ea6/about




So, there you have it, folks.   For the absolute best in Live Music, found anywhere on the Grid, you simply HAVE to catch one of Miss Trish Nightengale’s Concerts. 

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be there!  Aloha!


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