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Monday, June 19, 2023

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: “Edward Hopper” Exhibition at La Gallery~ Ely Catronis Reporting…

Glancing around New Orleans, you see this dark diner, it seems familiar, you cannot quite place it, La Gallery invites you to walk inside.  This is when you realize you have just entered one of Edward Hopper's most famous paintings, Nighthawks. 

 This is one of the many works of art featured in the exhibit of his work being showcased at La Gallery developed for you to learn and enjoy.  Edward Hopper, a man who felt “If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.”

I stepped off the trolley in front of La Gallery and met up with Lalle to learn more about this unique exhibit.

Interview with Lalle Vanbeeck-Na (lallena)

Ely: Hello Lalle!  It is wonderful to be here at La Gallery again. This is your second exhibition here at La Gallery, we covered your first show here. That was such a wonderful exhibit. I will make sure to include the link to that article for our readers.

Is there anything you would like to share about that show before we head into this one?

Lalle:I could  add that the exhibition is still relevant since it is still possible to visit it in New Orleans . I really liked doing it. The theme of the exhibition "Celebrities who are also painters" is quite unique, because I think it has never been done before even in RL. This asked me for some work so I think it will remain permanent.

Ely: Oh that is great!  We can make sure everyone gets the Slurl to the new location for it.  Keeping it permanent must help you keep your overall purpose of La Gallery thrive on in Second Life. Can you explain with us what the purpose and goal of La Gallery is in SL?  What do you want to achieve?

Lalle:I wanted to create, to do something concrete in SL. I did it in a field that interests me: the art world. It is first of all a personal satisfaction. The Gallery, like any gallery, is a space dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of art in general, the main purpose being to present works to the public and to promote artists. The theme of these two exhibitions was close to my heart but with artists who did not really need promotion. We are in SL, so I think that the next exhibitions will also be devoted to artists who evolve in SL.

Ely: That sounds wonderful.  You mentioned art close to your heart. This new exhibit features the artwork of Edward Hopper. What inspired you to choose the work of this one artist? 

Lalle: I had the chance to see the exhibition devoted to Edward Hopper 10 years ago in Paris. I was still young but I had really liked it. Later in my studies, I did a presentation on Hopper. So I knew the subject quite well. It seemed interesting to me to present his artwork. And even if he is a very famous American painter of the 20th century, I realize that many people do not know him.

Between his paintings, his etchings, his illustrations..., Hopper has produced a very diverse and impressive work. Through this exhibition, maybe some will know him a little better.

Ely:  Walking around the gallery with you, I was able to experience first hand with you many features of this exhibit. Can you share with our readers a little about what to expect at the exhibit?  What makes it unique?  Are there special pieces that you feature?

Lalle: You will see many paintings by Edward Hopper. It is a fairly complete panorama of his work, all presented chronologically and according to the techniques used (watercolor, oil painting, etchings, drawings, illustrations, etc.). There was a lot to show. We needed a method of presentation.

I don't think there is something very unique in this exhibition because all his paintings are  known. We did not discover a painting hidden in an attic. The only thing that could be called unique is that we have reproduced the bar from his famous painting "Nighthawks" at the entrance of the gallery, which you may have walked through, in New Orleans City.

Ely:  I did enjoy being able to sit at the counter in the diner. Also watching the video about him was interesting as well. I'm Curious, do you have one piece of Hopper's that is your favorite?  

Lalle: If I have to choose one, I'm not going to be very original,  I'm going to choose the most famous "Nighthawks". This iconic artwork depicts a late night scene in a bar with three customers and a waiter (the bar we reproduced in New Orleans). There is a somewhat strange, dark and worrying atmosphere that I like; between the lit interior of the bar and the darkened street outside. I could have mentioned many others like "Gas" with its red gas pumps, "Automat" or "Chop Suey" for  example.

Ely:  You have all the works throughout the decades of this work. Is there an era of his that you prefer over the others?

Lalle: I appreciate all the periods and all of his work. However, I have a preference for scenes of urban life, streets, buildings with this very precise architecture... but also interiors and the characters around, often lonely and melancholy.

Ely:  If someone is interested How can an artist showcase their work here? What type of art are you looking for?

Lalle: He just has to contact us... and present his work... It must please us at least a minimum  and likely to please others as well... We are  open to all types of art... We are  not closed.

Ely:  Anything else you would like to share?

Lalle:  I just hope that people will come and visit and also appreciate the exhibition and the work of Edward Hopper. I really enjoyed doing it even if it took a long time to set up. 


La Gallery SLURL:

Group: La Gallery secondlife:///app/group/4fb0f7e5-1fd9-fdc1-0209-37bf57b9a0a7/about

Preferred Contact: Lalle Vanbeeck-Na (Lallena Resident)

Article on first exhibit:

New Slurl to the “also painters” exhibit:


  1. It is amazing to see, what a wide, deep range Lalle displays and how long she was constant working on every of her two exhibitions. There you can see true expertise and passion for the subject. I really love that she is bringing such unique spots of colour to the city. Both are really worth to go to and spend some time of learning a maby unknown side of famous artists.

  2. I can highly recommend a visit to Lalle Vanbeeck-Na's (lallena) exhibition of Edward Hopper's work at La Gallery, New Orleans. Lalle's exhaustive research and attention to detail is evident on the walls of this beautifully curated exhibition. The reproductions are all excellent and thoughtfully displayed, often with copies of the original framings and informative captioning. Arranged chronologically, we can see Hopper's evolution from a student in Paris through to the realisation of his unique vision of mid-century American life now almost impossible to imagine without him. The pièce de résistance is Lalle's reconstruction of the cafe in Nighthawks (1942): his most famous painting. Mark Rothko once remarked of George Segal's work that it was like "walk-in Hoppers..." and visitors to Lalle's exhibition have a uniquely virtual chance to do just that. Sit in those same seats in Second Life and enjoy being a part of one of the century's most iconic paintings. This should be top of every SL art lovers list.


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