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Wednesday, June 21, 2023



In the 1980 hit movie, The Blues Brothers, Elwood asks a proprietor of a bar where they are scheduled to perform, “What kind of music do you usually have here?”  The proprietor replies “Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country AND Western.“

I was sim hopping the other day, looking to find some really Great Country Music, when a hopeful pop-up appeared on my screen… “Do you want to allow music from this source?”  I clicked “Allow” and what immediately flowed from my speakers was a feast for the Aural Senses – The Saddles take on Country Music. Saddles is a place that excels in that department as well.  Their particular mix of Music is “Just what the Doctor ordered” for any true lover of the genre.   My Spidey senses kicked into hi gear and I looked for the owner of this musical oasis in a desert of pedestrian music.  I saw Ashley (littlebit31okla), deep in the throes of preparing for her Special Event set to kick off the weekend. I asked if she could spare a few moments to share with me the story of her success at Saddles, and she graciously consented.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:    So, tell me, Ashley.  Just what is Saddles all about?

Ashley (littlebit31okla) AL: Saddles is about having a fun enjoyable environment to enjoy time in second life by spending time with others enjoying Live Music, Dj Events, Concerts, and the beauty of arts in second life, place where people can come enjoy, relax, with top quality entertainment.

 JB:      Where did you get the idea for Saddles, and is there some history here?

AL:  Saddles was created back in 2014 by myself and a female friend of mine. She was also a real-life friend and we both love and enjoy riding horse so Saddles was the name that we both came up with.  She was only able to be in SL a short time, because her real life would not allow her to remain here.  Saddles became a Live Music Venue loved by many. Due to health issues, I was forced to close for a few years, but I still had many supporters that gave me advice and showed me the way of the friendly live music community. 

JB:      Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

 AL:    Gaza and Ashley Bayside both play a part in sim design and landscaping

JB:      Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Saddles?

AL:   Enjoy Live Music, Dj Events, Concerts, Games/Tabletop, Romantic Swan ride through the tunnel of love under the club and under the dance floor in the ballroom, Ballroom dancing, Coffee shop, Pool to relax by and visit with friends, and a dining area for couples to enjoy.  Saddles can also do weddings for group members.  We also have Hunts, Shopping areas for rental space.  Artists can use Saddles to display art and have Art openings and similar events in the ballroom or around the Gallery,

JB:    What sets Saddles apart from the many other clubs out there with a similar theme?

AL:   Saddles has a wide range of events as well as activities for members and guests to enjoy,

JB:      Who do you hope to attract to your build? What special group of people might find Saddles especially appealing?

AL:  We hope to attract County Music fans as well as Live music performers and fans, Artists,  and  Photographers

JB:      And how about the future?  Do you have any planned changes in mind?

AL:   We are very happy with the current build.  We still have little more we like to do but we are keeping that a secret for now, with more to come, so keep coming back enjoying what we have to offer,

JB:      What has been your greatest challenge in building Saddles?

AL:   Finding the quality of staff that holds to Saddles’ top quality standards

JB:       Do you host Special Events?  And how might someone learn of any scheduled activities here?

AL:  Saddles Holds Special VIP Events as well as upcoming Charity events.  All Saddles events can be found on our FB Page as well as in “SL Events”, so join our Saddles Groups or stop by the venue and check out our event board,

JB:       Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

AL:   Over the last 10 year I have meet a lot of people come through the door of Saddles and I have to say I have been truly blessed after all these years. I can say that some of my dearest friends are still today walking back though the door of Saddles, coming in enjoying our events as well as memories we all have shared in the past years.  So many people missed Saddles and asked for me to bring it back so we all Saddled up and grabbed the rains to bring back Saddles so more memories can be made and more friends to enjoy,

Please share with us any social media, Websites, Flickr, etc that may be of interest to our readers? Flickr:

SURL: Update 8-1-23



So, there you have I folk!  For some of the BEST Country music out there in a fun and wholesome environment, you really do owe it to yourself to check out the scene at Saddles. You’ll be glad you did, and may even make a lifelong friend or two.

Go ahead. And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

You’ll be glad you did.

Be there! ALOHA!


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