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Friday, May 5, 2023


One of the BEST things about being a writer for the Grid’s longest-running, continually active news source is that I get to travel the grid on a regular basis, at the paper’s expense.  On these trips, I get to discover all manner of phenomenal builds by the talented residents of SL.  General. Moderate, and Adult...the Grid’s got something for everyone!  But in the inventory of Adult Sims, one that stands head and shoulders above the rest of the pack is the unique and incomparable “Pleasure Zone”.  After seeing their ad, my curiosity was aroused and I set about trying to learn what I could about this aptly named Sim.  Intrigued by their ad, I felt compelled to check.  While there, I ran into the owners, Draven Voight and Trish Nebula, and they graciously agreed to sit with me for a spell and answer my questions about this most unusual build.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:  So tell me, guys. Where did you get the idea for Pleasure Zone? Is there some history here?

Trish Nebula (TN):   We opened another club a few years back based on a Circus theme that was all rock and to be honest sex sells in second life. I was concerned about the patrons we would attract by having a sex-themed club, we started as just DJing and keeping it all sex-based and then people just kept coming back and wanting more.

Draven Voight (DV):  We tried a metal club and we wanted more variety so we decided to open a sex club that plays rock, country, and metal. We were brainstorming names and Pleasure Zone seemed to fit perfectly.

JB:      OK Draven and Trish. Just what is “Pleasure Zone” all about?

DV:  A fun friendly atmosphere where everyone is welcome.

Clothing is frowned upon but nudity is not required.  Sex and partying go hand and hand here. People can grope each other on the dance or take it to a room. We want everyone that comes here to feel like they are old friends as soon as they land. We don't want a "clicky" club.

TN:  Great music and everyone feels welcome. We want people to enjoy the sexual side of second life and not feel like you gotta go to some dingy-looking sim to have a good time, but a great place to meet people and perhaps use the amenities while here and come back to the dance floor and party some more.

JB:      Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

DV:  We both put our heads together and built this club from the ground up. We are both co-owners and in the beginning, we were the only DJs and we hosted for each other.

TN:  We built a few different designs and it took us a few weeks to build what we have now. We wanted something unique.

JB:     There are many fun and exciting  Adult Clubs out there. What is the Pleasure Zone difference? 

TN:  Honestly, we pride ourselves on the fact everyone here is special. It doesn’t matter if they are a day old or 16 years old. Everyone is greeted and we encourage staff to engage with all people, not just the regulars.  That is how they become regulars.

DV:  Really friendly atmosphere, staff is required to greet everyone and make them feel welcome.  No one is a stranger and whenever someone joins the group Everyone welcomes them to The Pleasure Zone Family.

JB:      Tell us about some of the different areas on the property?

DV:  There is a gangbang area, BDSM room, a glory hole room, a porn cinema, couples rooms, a shower area, and a lounge.  We have a teleporter that has a wedding venue that is free to use, an Oasis, a hideaway, and a sex beach.

TN:  We have a mall, a few different areas for different sexual needs, a porn cinema and we have a teleporter to go to a wedding venue that is free to use, a little oasis(romantic setting with a house and hidden cave), and a fairy house. We also have a sex beach we do outside themes at. There is the KISS stage for concerts.

We also have a KISS Tribute band stage because PZ is the official home of the KISS Alive Tribute Band.

JB:      Do you have any plans for future development?

TN:  We have changed things up a few times, and try to keep what has worked. Currently, we haven’t looked into building anything more ATM and just trying to build patrons and more staff to meet the needs of the people wanting more parties during the day.

JB:      Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Pleasure Zone?

TN:  They can get married and honeymoon here. There are a lot of different areas for the more sexually active. There is a shopping mall and can chill and watch a variety of porn.

DV:  They can shop, party with us, have sex in about any room they choose, or watch porn.

JB:      Do you host Special events?  And how might someone learn of any scheduled activities here?

 TN:  Every night from 6-8pm we have themed events in a theme. We always say that includes naked. We post in the SL Event Calendar, there is an event schedule board in the club that is updated weekly, and every day a line up is sent out in a VIP group notice.

DV:  We have themed events m-f 6pm-8pm SLT. If they are patrons, they will get notifications in the group plus events are posted in the SL Event Calendar.  We have KISS Concerts and they will learn about those the same as the themed events.


JB:     I understand you just recently went over 1,000 members.  How do you plan to recognize so momentous an accomplishment?

TN:  We are having a week-long party of with a 1000 lindens giveaway for every DJ spinning, each day has a theme. So instead of one contest, there could be up to 5 contests on certain days.

JB:    Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? Perhaps about any Social Media or locations or important URLs you would care to share with me and about 70,000 of my closest friends

TN:  We just want to have a place where everyone has a good time.  We hope that everyone that comes here feels like we value and appreciate the fact they choose our club to come party when there are so many out there to choose from.

So.  There you have it folks.  Check it out at the SURL below. For the absolute HOTTEST in adult entertainment anywhere on the Grid, you do NOT want to miss the pleasures available at The Pleasure Zone…




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