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Tuesday, February 28, 2023


So, there I was.  Outfitted with my new snorkeling gear, and I thought I would explore the local waters. After clearing my mask, I headed out into the deep when I saw a brightly colored Clownfish swimming lazily in the warm coastal water.  Intrigued, I followed him.  I was about to turn back, when we rounded a coral reef.  Suddenly the world EXPLODED with bright colors, the likes of which I have never seen before in my life, nor since!  I had found it.  The Supreme. The Extreme.  The Dream – Siren’s Cove!

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    Tell me, Ladies.  Just what is Siren’s Cove all about?

Roryredrory (RR):   Siren's Cove is primarily about music, and DJ’s sharing their tunes and mixes to other music-lovers in a fun, relaxing environment.  For me, there is nothing more fun or relaxing than the ocean - seeing it, feeling it, swimming in it, relaxing on the beach...and we wanted to bring that vibe and good feeling to the club.  And why mermaids? I always wanted the club to be the "Disneyland" of SL clubs - "Happiest place on earth" - and love the vibe and beauty of mermaids.

idoru.venus (IV):  It's about good music, great company, and fun party time dancing with both! Also, some aquatic life...

JB:    So…there are lots of sims out there, many with underwater builds. Tell us what is the “Siren’s Cove Difference”?

RR:  What makes me proud of Siren's Cove are the DJ’s and people who are part of the Siren's community. We have always been supported by great DJ’s and amazing, fun people who keep things fun and amazing every day!!!  I love being greeted whenever I walk into the club, and greeting people when they do.  It's always so fun and feels like our own little family!!  I love being part of the over-all SL community as well - and I know people with DJ and hangout at other SIMs/clubs too - and I think that's great!!!  I'm honored whenever they come to Siren's and appreciate the time they give us!!! 

IV:  Many tell me that what makes us different is the atmosphere... the spirit of the place. People tell me it’s so warm and welcoming at Siren's Cove. That makes me happy because that’s what we want!

<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="" title="Mermaid in the Aquarium"><img src="" width="800" height="461" alt="Mermaid in the Aquarium"></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

JB:    What a phenomenal build. How did this idea develop?

RR:  Freckles Amore is our club builder and designer.  When we decided to start the club, we literally had 2 days to get the club running so we could keep DJ schedules and commitments from the former club I was managing, which closed on July 27, 2022.  We opened on July 29, 2022 :-).  We talked about how fun it would be to do a Mermaid theme, with Mermaids, pirates, beaches, starfish....but very high level.  I have ADHD irl hehehe and sometimes am not good at completing a picture or describing one.  But Iddy and I talked with Freckles, and then it was like magic :-) She came back the next day with the build for "The Cave" which blew my mind - so beautiful - so cool - so happy!!!!

IV:      It began rather small!  Once we decided to make the club, Freckles Amore offered to make our build. She did it overnight... and it remains in our new sim as The Cave. It’s a piece of art, like the entire build she has done for the whole sim. Truly gorgeous and fun to explore.

JB:    I understand you’ve been here since July, and that there us a story about that?  Care to Share?

RR:  Iddy and I had worked together earlier this in year in a club that was closing at the end of July.  We really enjoyed working together and loved the other DJ’s and people who came to the club.  We tried to open as soon as possible to keep the music going after that club closed.  The closing date was Wednesday, July 27, and Freckles built Siren's Cove and we opened 2 days later, Friday, July 29. 

JB:    Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

RR:  Freckles is definitely the visionary who created the build and the magic and the vision for what is now the Siren's Cove SIM.  She is the designer and the one I call "our secret weapon".  I really feel her design and joy she brings to it is what makes Siren's so fun and amazing!  I see something different every time I come here :-)  We recently expanded to a whole SIM - and Freckles added a "Siren's Shores" side and a 3rd club - The Aquarium.  "The girl got skillz"

Idoru is the amazing talented DJ and is our ears and music Director :-)  She is incredibly talented in her own right, and is amazing at finding and hiring DJs for the club, and grouping those DJ's together for nice blocks or "Siren Sets" :-)  And as a co-owner and business partner, she is the level-headed one and keeps me from wrecking my boat into the shore.  I can be pretty emotional and the opposite of "level-headed" and she protects me from myself :-) I love talking to her and working things out.  She is the best business partner and friend ever!!!!!!!!!

Jinxy is my wife and is the visionary for the rentals here, and had the idea to add rental properties to the SIM.  She has amazing ideas and has brought a very cool element into the club.  She has a great feel for what things would be popular / fun for club-goers and renters, and keeps that side of the business going!!!  She is amazing :-)

Kisi is my sister and supports club promotion and managing!  She also brings great ideas on how to promote the club, how can use events, and manages our social media!!  She is an Angel who keeps the club events promoted and out there for all to see :-)

IV:      And don’t forget Rory!  She is a manager on steroids!  She is good at lining people up and organizing the schedule. She found the place for us and supports the sim. My part is to help her run the place and also help find us great DJs for the lineup. Freckles is the super builder who pours her heart into building the place and asks for little or nothing in return.

JB:    Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Sirens Cove?

RR:  Siren's Cove is a place for land folk and merfolk to all explore and visit.  There are amazing underwater and above-water spots to explore and investigate. There are lots of beautiful photo and cuddle spots as well.  You can also meet our resident mermaids, Oyster Annie and Siren Sadie.  Although they might be quiet - be careful - they bite :-)

IV:     There are a LOT of things to explore on the sim, outside of the venues for music and dancing. In addition to the rentals offered, Freckles has created a gorgeous forest to explore that’s full of surprises and gorgeous scenery.

JB:    Tell us about the Aquarium. What kind of features can we discover there, and at each of the three main areas?

RR:  The Aquarium is our largest venue - and is unique in that it is actually underwater.  Swimming fish, mermaids, and other sea creatures are all around.  The colors swirl in the water to the music as the DJs mix on the underwater stage. 

The Cave is our original venue - with everything fun about the Sea.  There are pirate ships, mermaids, and huge snails, and you might even find Sponge Bob hiding in there.

The Rooftop is our Pool area - on top of the Cave, and has a fun beach set with a pool where you can hang out and swim with Oyster Annie and Siren Sadie.

Siren's Shores is a magical land where you can explore - just across the cove from the Cave, it has 7 rental properties, where you can actually live among the Mermaids and creates here :-)

JB:    And how about the future?  Do you have any changes in mind?

RR:  We would love to eventually expand our hours so we are open longer.  We plan to continue to add hours as our audiences grow.

IV:  We hope to continue to grow in group membership and daily visits to our events. We also might do occasional special events.

JB:    Do you have any special events planned? And how can people find out what’s Happening at Siren’s Cove?

RR:  Each week, we alternate to a different venue - Pool Parties at The Rooftop, and then a week each at The Cave and The Aquarium. To see what’s happening, I encourage you to check out the links at the end of this article for our Website, Flickr, and other Social Media URLs.

JB:    Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

RR:  Support live music on SL!!!

There you go folk.  For a truly unique experience, you have simply GOT to check out Siren’s Cove.   For unrivaled entertainment, SecondLife style, you owe yourself a visit.  I guaranteed it. You WILL be impressed!

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be there!  Aloha!






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