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Friday, January 20, 2023

GeekSpeak – The Next Big Thing- Join the discussion on Saturday, January 21st at 12pm SLT

What do you think is the next big change that will push humanity in a different direction?  Something so important that people will look back afterward and wonder what life was like before it happened.

Any suggestion is welcome.  It could be an invention, a big natural change, a new scientific theory, a development in medicine, a change in our diet, or maybe a new cultural or religious idea.  What do you see as the most important thing that will happen in this century?

Join us in GeekSpeak on Saturday at noon SLT.  We want to pick your brain and see if it is working.  Bring a pen and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

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