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Tuesday, December 20, 2022


This past week, in my sojourns around the Grid, I ran into a wonderful couple, Richh and Alexxxa Devin, the owner/proprietors of Dirty Rythms.  Many of you will remember DR from years past, as it has always been a mainstay of adult club venues in SL.   After a Decade of service to the SL Community, Richh and Alexxxa decided to close their Fan-Favorites club, while they were still immensely popular, preferring to direct their attention to other pursuits.  But, after two years with constant encouragement from their legion of fans and friends,  they decided to reopen DR in a completely new venue.   On their anniversary, Richh opened a new club, Alexxxa’s Place…and the rest of DR returned around it.

One of the things that have always been a trademark of Dirty Rythms in general, and the proprietors specifically, has been Richh’s phenomenal generosity towards his guests.  Whether it is the gifts he gives out every hour to randomly selected guests at their events or the way he salts the ‘Sploder with extra cash, so “everyone’s a winner”.  Or perhaps it is the monthly photo contest with one lucky winner each month walking away with the 3,000 Linden prize!   Richh and Alexxxa run a First-Class operation, completely free of charge to their many guests. 

I managed to corner Richh and Alexxxa between gigs, and they graciously consented to answer a few questions I posed.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    Hi Alexxxa and Richh!  Thanks for agreeing to chat with me.  Let me start off by asking how did you come up with the idea for “Dirty Rythms”?

Richh Devin (RD):   Dirty Rythms was always intended for the discriminating adults as an awesome spot for adult playtime as well as the hot spot for some of the best  DJs on the grid.

JB:    What an amazing build here.  Tell me, what is the basic Theme of the Dirty Rythms?

RD: Theme: Music and Entertainment

Dirty Rythms has everything for discriminating adults. Hot playtime spots with the best gear in SL. Awesome beach hangouts, picture-perfect spots for the SL photographers, and party spots for you and your friends, featuring some of SL's hottest DJs. Your fantasies come true! 

JB: What makes the Dirty Rythms compound different from other Adult Sims out there?

Alexxxa Devin (alexxxa.mynx) (AD): Dirty Rythms has been built with much attention to detail.  Upon exploring the sim people will find the perfect spot for photographs, naughty play, or both!  Music on the sim is commercial free and there are screens set up in strategic spots all over the sim for guests to watch the commercial-free video playlist!

JB: Tell me about some of the various areas in Dirty Rythms?

AD: We have various venues for themed parties such as Tiki Cove, the Tiki Bar,  Tiki Country,  the Beachhouse, the Romantic Gazebo, Alexxxa's Place  Lounge & Discotheque, the Photo Studio and of course,  the Swingers Clubhouse!      On exploring the Clubhouse, you will find the best Red Room on the grid, IMHO! Using the Teleporters on the sim you can select the various venues available here. There are also some hidden private spots on the sim, which people will find when exploring.

JB: OK Alexxxa… tell me…and I promise to keep it just between you and me….(and our 70,000 readers each month)….what are some of your personal Favs here at Dirty Rhythms?

 As a DJ of course I love being at the events of some of the best DJs on the grid right here at Dirty Rythms.  And, of course, we have some of the best furniture and gear for naughty play all over the sim, something for everyone, which we have tested thoroughly! 

JB: Do you have accommodations for people who may want to live here?

Currently, there are no rentals at Dirty Rythms. However, we have some  people who have made Dirty Rythms their 'home base' where they log in like home

JB: As you know, there is no shortage of Adult entertainment sims here.  What is the “Dirty Rythms” difference and why should people come here for all their entertainment needs?

 AD: We take pride in Dirty Rythms being the adult sim with class. You will discover that once you visit us.  People are encouraged to come and get naughty and know that they can expect to be respected because NO means NO on our sim.  The BIG difference?  No long list of rules when you land!    Our welcoming notecard mentions RESPECT and if respect is used by all, a list of rules should not be required!

JB: What has been your greatest challenge in operating Dirty Rythms?

RD: With the ever-dwindling numbers of people on SL lately, attendance to events, etc has been an issue but numbers have been increasing lately.  

JB: I understand you host special events here.  How can people find out about those things?

AD: We advertise all events on the SL Events page, the Dirty Rythms groups notices, as well as on our Dirty Rythms Discord page!   DJ Alexxxa's SL  Group is also used for all Dirty Rythms events advertising!  For booking special events such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, etc, please contact   Alexxxa Mynx (Devin).

JB: And how about the future?  Do you have any improvements or changes in mind for the weeks and months ahead?

AD: For the future, in the new year there ARE some plans in the works.  Once ready for unveiling, those will be revealed in the Dirty Rythms Groups notices as well as in Alexxxa's Group notices and of course, Dirty Rythms Discord page.  

JB: Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer readers?

RD: We encourage all who read about us in the SL Enquirer to come and explore the sim and they will find their perfect spot for hanging out with their friends.   They are also very welcome to join us at the events as advertised on the board, on the events page, or on our Discord page.  Special events will also be advertised there!

So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for a beautifully built sim, with wonderful events, adult entertainment options, and the most gracious hosts on the Grid, let me encourage you to drop on by and check ‘em out.   You’ll be glad you did.  And if you run into Richh or Alexxxa….Tell ‘em Josh sent ya!

BE there.  Aloha!

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