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Monday, October 3, 2022

Spotlight on Synful Club -The place to be for Live performances and Socializing- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Synful Club is a Mythical-themed venue located on a full sim owned and operated by Spirit Sapphire with the help of booking assistant Arisha DJ Flame. Together they put together an active venue with plenty to do like play games, and spend time with a date in one of the cuddle areas as well as host live performances with some of Second Life’s most talented musicians. Events happen every Friday and Saturday and biweekly on Sunday and Wednesday. SLE caught up with Spirit Sapphire and DJ Arisha to learn more about this beautiful venue.

Interview with Spirit Sapphire & Arisha/ Club Synful

SLE: Thank you both for taking the time to sit with us. Can you both give us a bit of a background of yourselves and how you discovered Second Life so our readers can get to know you better?

Spirit: I have been in SL for over 13.5 years when I first came I knew nothing about a 3D world this advanced I had come from a small place called IMVU. I had a good friend and someone I call my daughter that came with me and helped us both get started. She picked up on it much quicker than I did thank goodness.

Since then I have owned several clubs but nothing like Synful all the others were just clubs I didn't know anything about the live singers back then. So my club days have come a long way.

Arisha: I read about Sl in a magazine over 12 yrs ago, went to check it out met someone the first day, Babybell and she taught me all, made me a good-looking avatar, for those days, still have her in my friendslist, though she left years ago. Since then I did all kinds of things, Club owner, Host, Manager, and Auctioneer for horses. My first live performance was Guido Gitano, I was about 2 yrs his manager. In 2014 I started to DJ, and I still do that nowadays. So over the years, I learned many parts of the Music Scene in Second Life except performing lol. I keep learning and helping others if I can.

SLE: It still fascinates me to hear how people found their way to Second Life from all over the world, and how they get involved in the community. Can you tell us, how the two of you joined this business venture together?

Spirit: We met through mutual friends and I got to a point in the club where I needed an assistant none of my previous managers had worked out. Somehow Arisha decided she wanted to help me, Thank God and the rest is history I couldn't do it without her she is a great asset to the business and knows a lot of things that I never would have thought of.

Arisha: We knew each other from mutual Friends, at some point Spirit needed help with her Club and I offered to help her, this about 2 months ago, she said yes, though she didn't know yet what I could mean for her.... she knows now though :)

SLE: It sounds like you complement each other's talents and skills with Synful Club. Can you tell us the history of the club?

Spirit: Like I mentioned I had many clubs before Synful, I met someone that lead me to the live singers and from there I started Synful. I had a very good friend that came with me after a few months to SL as well and he passed away he has always been in my heart and therefore the club is named after him his name was Synner.

Arisha: I know Spirit started with a homestead, but this is really up to her to answer. Since I came in, we got new and more Performers, slowly made some changes on the sim and we keep working on new ideas.

SLE: I’m so sorry for your loss Spirit but I think it’s wonderful that you honor your friend in this way and it looks like you have great support from Arisha! Can you tell our readers why you believe your venue is unique and worth going to compared to the other venues on the grid?

Spirit: Synful is a fun place to be and has many things to do on the sim besides just listening to music. We have a games area and cuddle spots, the mystical theme is a lot of what we gave as the theme to the sim. We do events and special things all the time at the club to keep it fun and exciting.

Arisha: I guess it's something people need to experience, our place, themselves, to see if they feel happy here. We created a place that we believe in, the sim looks beautiful and our performers are awesome in their own way, we have variety in what they bring us, we have friendly staff, the hosts are super, and of course Michael, who snaps everyone on-camera...

SLE: Very nice. Arisha you said it very well. It is something people have to experience firsthand. What kind of events do you like to have at Synful Club?

Spirit: We had our 1 year Anniversary on September 14th from 4 to 6 PM SLT. We planned a Halloween Party with a dual stream with Maxamillion and Seth Regan We are getting together a theme night to have a night of 50's music 60's music all the way up to 2000. This will be one night a week until we are finished with the entire history of music just not sure of a starting date yet. We will also have a formal Christmas party on the sim and will start planning that soon.

Arisha: Well, of course, our regular performers, we have them now each Friday and Saturday and biweekly on Wednesday and Sunday. We start with special events now too, Sept 14, our first Anniversary Party, with Inkaku Capalini and Seth Regan ( Mankind Tracer), Sept 18 NeoMaximus Campfire Special, where he goes all acoustic.... and in the planning a special for Halloween...

SLE: Looks like you have a lineup of a lot of great things to come! Are you looking to hire anyone to help?

Spirit: Not at this time we are not in need of anyone we have a good family here that we work well together and complement each other in a very fun atmosphere.

Arisha: At the moment we are full, we have 23 regular Performers now and a few fill-ins all the regulars are Biweekly except Inkaku, she has her home at our Club, we have 4 lovely hosts and since recently we have had some Dancers for on Stage for those performers who like that :)

SLE: Wonderful. It sounds like you are handling things pretty well! Besides live music at Synful Club, what other activities do you offer on the sim?

Spirit: We have a Games area, Cuddle spots, and all types of things around the sim for people to do and see just come explore and find what fits you best.

Arisha: We working on ideas, to get people to come also to the sim when there is no music event, the sim itself has all kinds of decorations, places to hang out, and dance from PG to adult. We also have a game area, so they can come to play, voice is open when there aren't any live events. Photographers could find some nice spots too.

SLE: Synful Club has a little bit of something for everyone. Do you have a group or calendar people can join to stay up to date with events?

Arisha: Of course, we have our VIP group, there is a group inviter at the Club, and Facebook and Calendar of Events:

SLE: Can you tell us both of you, Is Second Life just a game to you, or does it hold any extension of your real life here?

Spirit: No it is definitely not a game it is an extension of my real life I am the same person here I am in real life there is a person behind this avatar that loves to meet new people, make people happy and give them a place to enjoy themselves.

Arisha: For me, it's definitely not a game, U meet people from all over the world, and connect with them on different levels, people u wouldn't have met without SL, hearing their ideas, experiences, etc is cool. we keep learning and we put many hours into arranging all for the club, to make other people happy.

SLE: Well said. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Spirit: Just that you should enjoy your time here don't get caught up in other people's drama make yourself a happy life here and learn all you can.

Arisha: Enjoy SL, learn from it, try new things, and stay with an open heart when u meet new people. If u never been to a Live Show, go and try it out, cause we have some amazing Performers in SL who spend lots of their time, and money to make u enjoy, and even feel like u are at a real-life live concert. I'm sure u also will find your favorite because they are in all kinds of genres to find :)

Additional Information


Club Synful Group:secondlife:///app/group/79227c6d-d1ef-d5dd-900e-293a7c1c2143/about


Calendar of Events:


Preferred Contact: Spirit Sapphire (spiritfire.sapphire) or ஓ Arisha ஓ DJ Flame ஓ (arishaflame75)

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