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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Spotlight on LUXE Paris Look of the Year 1st Runner Up– Hunipet Delicioso–Ely Catronis Reporting…


This past August, the Announcement was made for the LUXE Paris Look of the Year 2022.  We have already met the Ambassador this year, I would like to take the time to introduce you to another special lady. She is someone in Second Life to explore and be silly and have fun in her early years who found her way into the depths of the modeling and fashion world inside the grid. Come, sit down and have a chat with the amazing and interesting Runner Up, Hunipet Delicioso.


Ely Catronis (EC): Before we get to know you, the person behind the avatar, I am curious, what was it like to hear your name announced as a runner up?

Hunipet Delicioso (HD): Have you ever been so surprised that you freeze? That’s what it was like for me. I remember thinking “Wait… what?? Was that MY name?”  It was… an amazing experience. I hope that every model has the opportunity to hear their name being announced. 

(EC): That is an amazing experience.  Truly exciting. Can you share a little about yourself, how you found this vast world of Second Life? Any fun stories from those newbie days to share? 

(HD):  A friend of mine told me about SL and encouraged me to sign up. During my early days in SL, I was attracted to the Neko look… humans with cute kitten ears and a big fluffy tail. The Neko tail was a great icebreaker when I was surrounded by strangers I had to interact with. My favorite was to pick gum out of my tail and throw it at someone. Yes, I have a bit of imp in me. Those were fun years.

(EC): I think sometimes, our early days did spark something in us all.   You do have something there.  What made you start out in modeling? Are there models or designers that inspire your work?

(HD):  I had burned out as a host and needed a break when a friend encouraged me to try modeling classes. I thought “why not?” and signed up. In RL, I’ve always gravitated toward challenges and SL modeling has provided me a *lot* of them. 

There are so many talented designers in SL that there’s no way I could narrow down to one or two. I love classic looks with touches of unique and creative details. Karl Lagerfeld is probably my (current) favorite fashion inspirator. Avant-garde can be challenging but a lot of fun.

(EC): Do you have any advice for people interested in fashion or modeling?

(HD): The main thing is to enjoy it. Have fun. Try different things. There are SO many different areas in the SL fashion industry! A lot of them don’t involve walking on the runway or competitions at all. Creative set designers are in demand along with people who can wrangle the backstage making sure models are cued on time, etc. Think of SL fashion as an endless buffet of choices. Take time to sample everything. You may surprise yourself.

(EC): That is a wonderful way to look at Fashion. I am sure there is someone out there who needs to hear that. Are there any other events or organizations that you are involved in?

(HD): I’ve been in the modeling world for only 2 years so I’ve been focusing mainly on learning as much as I can from as many different people as I can find. In the last year, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to write scripts for two fashion shows produced by Fashion Life Modeling Agency. My future plans are to continue classes with Ponchituti Boucher, One On One Modeling Tutelage & Academy. I’m looking forward to their intern program where I’ll be able to learn first-hand the behind-the-stage parts to modeling. I will absolutely audition for other competitions. 

(EC):Those are wonderful opportunities.  You mention behind the scenes a lot in the fashion world and have an appreciation for all the antics that happen there. What was your favorite memory from the Look of the Year Contest?

 (HD):  Oh boy… my favorite? That’s hard. People… It's the people I met through the Look of the Year contest. Having a chance to get to know the other ladies… They are fabulous stylists! It’s wonderful to see how others put an outfit together. Especially when I get the “why didn’t I think of that!!” moment. So much talent. The relationships I developed during the LUXE Paris Look Of The Year competition are the real prize. 

(EC): Thank you so much for taking the time to sit and chat today.  It really has been an honor and a pleasure to meet you and work with you.  Before we go, is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

(HD): Ely, thank you so much for the opportunity to talk to you. I’d like to share two quotes that have made a huge difference in my life… RL and SL.  

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. If you don’t take a risk, you may miss out on some wonderful life experiences. What’s the worst that could happen? You get a “no”? Then keep asking.  You’d fail? Failure only means you haven’t found the right solution yet.

You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for”.  I have that one sitting on my RL work desk. Every time I get frustrated or feel defeated, reading that quote energizes me again. 

Whatever you want to be, whatever you want to do… roll up your sleeves and work for it. Take risks. Ask questions so you are making informed decisions.

Lastly… please laugh as often as you can. Your mind cannot process pain at the same time when you are laughing. Look for the things to make you smile. Your body will thank you.

A huge thank you to Mika Palmyra, Parisian Skytower, Ponchituti Boucher, Lali Arbizu, Hyaecinte, Ѕнoly  KᴀᴇsϮηᴇя  Ƶнασуιηɢ. I know I missed some names, please forgive me. 

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