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Friday, September 30, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Out Shop Cancer 2022, October 1 - 31


It is time to shop for a very important cause! Out Shop Cancer is a main store and marketplace shopping event and a signature Strides Campaign in Second Life in support of the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer programs and research which started in 2018. The 2022 Out Shop Cancer event includes main store and marketplace shopping, a grid-wide hunt, an Out Shop Cancer Pop-up Market and a special Bloggers for a Cure event. Along with the many shopping opportunities there will be several special raffles during the month, including raffles for eBody Reborn bodies and a Prima Elite body. With more than 70 stores participating ranging from clothes to decor to cars to breedables, there is something for everyone. Sandie Slate, founder of Out Shop Cancer, shares “We are super excited for this year’s event. The response from designers this year has been tremendous and the amount of support for the event has exceeded expectations. With the inclusion of the Pop-Up Market and the Bloggers for a Cure event, this year’s event is jam-packed with shopping and much more.” The Out Shop Cancer event runs from October 1st to the 31st. Shoppers will be able to pick up a shopping hud inworld at the Out Shop Cancer office. A list a of contributing merchants with shopping directory and the official bloggers can be found on the Out Shop Cancer website at Information about the Pop-Up Market and Bloggers for a Cure event will be available on the website as well. All proceeds from this event go directly to the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer programs and services.

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