I'm excited to announce that our Sunday lineup starts off with Mavenn, Baz, and Tally, followed by DJ Grougan at 8 PM SLT. MONDAY we have THE ROYALS a fantastic choreographed dance team performing at 1PM SLT. I was really in awe and stunned by the beautiful costumes and magnificent stage presentation and performance, following THE ROYALS. Monday At 4 PM Maximillion Kleene will take the stage at The Venue. TUESDAY starts with DJ Justy at 5 PM, THE one and only BAZ perform LIVE at 6 PM and DJ Grougan does a 1-hour set leading in for Mr. Blues himself Mr. JimmyT49 Dukes who takes the stage Tuesday at 8 PM. Followed by Mystelle at 9 PM. Wednesday. It is ladies' night with Annette Serenade, Holly Giles, SHEYZ, and ARRA!!! - THURSDAY we have Dexter Swansen, Roxanne, DJ Justy, and DJ Grougan. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2/r/month/2022/8/1
For updated info on shows at The Venue see our calendar. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=c2xjYW5keWtpc3Nlc0BnbWFpbC5jb20