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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Spotlight on Tabby’s - Re-Grand opening of a new adult club and complex with many hidden surprises- SLE reporting…


Unlike the many sex clubs in SL that are reminiscent of the red light district’s gritty lower east side. Tabby’s is a beautifully designed atmosphere. Established in June of 2019, Tabby’s club is an adult luxury playground for voyeurs with a variety of amenities to tempt that naughty side. Owner Tabitha Mercury has worked hard to create a place where adults can let go of their inhibitions and freely explore those kinks without fear of judgment in a safe environment. Not only is there a club with events hosted on Sundays & Wednesdays, an elegant indoor pool and spa room,  game room hangout, and sex rooms there are even rental properties for couples and apartments for singles. SLE met up with Tabitha for a tour to learn more about all the hidden amenities and was pleasantly surprised by how well-designed it was. 

Interview with Tabitha Mercury

SLE: Hi Tabitha, thank you for meeting up with us for a tour of Tabby’s. Before we get started can you tell us a little bit about you and how you found your way into Second Life?

Tabitha: I actually found my way to SecondLife many years ago. I don't recall what drew me to begin with, but when I left was when Flexi hair just came out and was all the rage. I came back to SecondLife after 13 years because there were changes in my real life and I felt alone. I remembered how SecondLife made me feel before, the fun I had building in it (prim building, mind you), and thought, "Hey! I can build clubs and sell them on SL for some L$ when I go back!". Then I logged into the new world of mesh.

SLE: Well we are glad you did come back and adapted to all the changes Second Life has had since you first took a break. So about your club, Tabby’s is a place for voyeurs, those who like to watch. It can be intimidating to some and exciting for others. As we all know Sex can be a taboo topic for a lot of people, especially for those who are not comfortable in their own skin or who have been conditioned to believe sex is a dirty thing unless it is confined to an act within marriage. Since it is 2022, it's time to brush those old traditional beliefs out the way and be free, especially in the virtual world. What made you get into the adult hospitality industry in Second Life?

Tabitha: Honestly, because I had been here before, I knew how it worked. I knew what industry a new person could get into right away to make some L$ to maintain the life I wanted to in SecondLife. Unfortunately, for many new people to SL, you have to have been around for 30 days before you can get hired somewhere. I got lucky and was hired my 2nd day as a dancer for an adult club. About a month later, the owner closed the club down and my new friend and current business partner, Veronica Bunny, surprised me with my own club within a day. Tabby's was born in May of 2019 and opened its doors on June first.

SLE:  That is great having good friends in the game to help you succeed. We all need that. So, we know you allow escorting and voyeurism at Tabby’s. There are a lot of Sex clubs on the grid that allows it also but rarely have any staff around to ensure minors and child avies do not use these places for “illegal” purposes. How do you safeguard against possible TOS infractions?

Tabitha: Nothing is 100% effective, but we take what measures we can to dissuade those under the age from entering. The land settings are set so that no one reporting themselves under the age of 18 can enter. And our staff is vigilant against allowing any avatars appearing under legal age from entering. There is ambiguity with some avatars, but we do try to encourage those with "borderline" avatars to update their appearance to fit the adult scene. We also check profiles on entering to ensure the avatar is not being portrayed as an underage individual. Everything else is a violation by the avi's user of SecondLife and Linden Labs TOS.

SLE: I am sure that a lot of people including SLE commend you on you taking the seriousness of protecting minors, thank you. At the SL Enquirer, we don’t like to just do fluff pieces, so we ask a lot of questions that make you stop and think and sometimes can be uncomfortable. The main one I believe our readers would like to know is. Why another Adult club? There are so many in Second Life already, everywhere you turn there is a kink club, BDSM, open and AFK sex. What would make Tabby’s stand out from them? Why will people want to go to your establishment?

Tabitha: A lot of clubs out there are after L$, plain and simple. Our staff wants to challenge the status quo of most clubs by being personable. We want to get to know our guests and provide them with a place they feel they can go to whether they're after the "fluff" or not. The entertainment earns 90% of their tips and there's no pressure to do anything they don't feel comfortable with. We offer several venues for events and have rental areas available to those who could use a place to call home. While it's still being finished, we are adding profiles for each member of our staff at so you can get to know us a bit before coming to the club.

Come visit us to see what's different!


SLE: I am sure after this Spotlight you will have many visitors coming to see all that Tabby’s has to offer. Starting with Tabby’s Club, What type of events do you host, and how often? Do you need to be a great member to access private events? 

Tabitha: We currently schedule weekly events. Our main club is open every Sunday from 12-6 PM SLT for the return of Tabby's 'School Girl Sundays', a tradition of ours that is back by popular demand. Every Wednesday from 12-6 PM SLT we have our 'Half-Price Hump Days' where our guests can enjoy our premium services for half the L$. We will also hold public and private special events. Private access can be gained by being a tenant of Rivendell or Keyhole Towers, or simply by becoming a regular to Tabby's and getting to know us! Upcoming events include our 'Grand Re-Opening White Party' on Friday, April 8th, Secretaries & Suits in May (est.), Pride Day in June, plus many more to come!

SLE: I can go many places with your marketing of “Half-Price Hump Days” but I will digress :) There is also a sex room in the back of the club, can you tell us a little about that? And what kind of privacy if any does that allow?

Tabitha: I like to refer to that as "Las Vegas" because, what happens in the sex room, stays in the sex room. The sex room is actually on its own parcel and private. You cannot see what is going on in there by camming, you must be in the room physically. If you are into voyeurism, then we have a place for you, and that is called "Keyhole Towers".

SLE: That is a great concept to adapt with, the what happens there stays there. The pool room and spa at Tabby’s is a gorgeous little spot to hang out and explore some fantasies. What kind of events, if any, happen there?

Tabitha: Eventually, we would love for this to be open daily and have a staff there who aren't expected to do anything other than serving drinks and helping guests in a non-"fluff" way. For now, it will be open to the general public to explore and use. It may also be closed for private events for our tenants or staff. Keep an eye on our VIP Group notices for updates.


SLE: I am sure a lot will keep an eye out and help you bring your club to new heights. So, Tabby’s Club is doing its re-grand opening as we all know, but are you hiring? And if so, what positions and where can people apply to work for your club?

Tabitha:Tabitha: I am so glad you asked that! Yes, we are hiring! We are looking for exceptional conversationalists; women who are outgoing, intelligent, and who radiate their beauty from the inside. We are looking for Pool Room Hostess', Dancers, Escorts, and DJs. While there are position-specific requirements, generally we need people who will be attentive to our guests and put their best foot forward to represent not only Tabby's Club, but themselves as well! Anyone may apply by speaking with a manager or myself or by getting an application from our giver at the landing point and drop it off there.

Tabby's Club SLurl:


SLE: You know, Orion slacks from time to time and I believe he is bored with helping manage SLE, so maybe I will get him an application from you. Besides the locations to engage in some sexual fun, you also have a game room for guests to unwind in. Do you host game nights there?


Tabitha: Yes! We will be hosting game nights very soon. For now, we invite you all to come and play the games to get used to them for upcoming contests and game nights! We have Zombie Hunter, Darts, Beer Pong, Mad Pass, Mad Hoops, Texas Hold 'Em, Mahjong, Greedy, and more!



SLE: Games in SL are a great way to spend time with your friends. We have a SLE game night also, we love it. You also have property and apartment rentals for couples and singles. Can you tell us more about Rivendell and the Keyhole singles communities? What are your pricing and availability and what amenities are included?


Tabitha: Rivendell is...I can't begin to describe the pride I feel in Rivendell's beauty. Veronica Bunny did an amazing job turning my dream into a reality in SecondLife. There are 3 homes for rent. There's the small shack we call "Hob's Crick" which goes for L$200/week for 100 prims (which actually has already been rented), and 2 "Hobbit homes". One is called "Hob Hill", and the other is called "Hob Knob". Don't let the outside fool you, though. These homes are quite roomy inside! Both Hobbit homes are L$500/week each for 300 prims and also parcelled privately. You can visit Rivendell here: SLurl:


 - Tabby's Club

 - Spa and Pool Room

 - Games Room

 - Rivendell Sim

- Access to all private Tabby's events

- Purchase up to 200 more prims 

Keyhole Towers is a basic, fully furnished rental complex. Voyeurism is encouraged and even implemented through a desktop computer system included with each unit, as well as hidden lobby peepholes. Their design is not for families, but rather for singles and open-minded individuals and couples.

The rentals, via the desktop chair menu, will have further access to watching their neighbors.

You can visit the Keyhole Towers Lobby here:



 - Tabby's Club

 - Spa and Pool Room

 - Games Room

 - Rivendell Sim

- Keyhole Sandbox

- Access to all private Tabby's events



SLE: Sounds like you have everything in place that is so great. Thank you for the tour of this lovely adult resort. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?


Tabitha: We would hope that they would come by and give us a visit. Regardless of that, we wish everyone the best experience they can have on SecondLife, and we hope we can be a part of that. Remember, this is YOUR SL and it is what YOU DREAM it can be!


Additional Information:










Contact In-World: Tabitha Mercury

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