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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Valentine's Date Auction: Get or Get Gotten! Now Before February 8, 9PM SLT


Auction participants will take 60% of the profit and WAP Karaoke Hangout will receive 40 % of the profit for rent and other costs.The auction is for two hours of your time. You can find yourself a hot date, or you can volunteer to auction yourself and make some Linden, or BOTH! SPOTS ARE STILL OPEN. WAP will also host a Valentine's Day event on Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7 PM SLT as well. You may choose to bring your date to this event or any other agreed upon acitivity. The dating auction boards are located at WAP Karaoke & Voice Hangout.

Taxi WAP Karaoke & Voice Hangout Discord:

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