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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Dollhouses & Miniatures at Janus Gallery III


You are cordially invited to join us Sunday, 13 February from 12pm-2pm slt for Cassie Eldemar's new exhibit at Janus Gallery III entitled, "Dollhouses and Miniatures" Holly Giles will perform for the first hour followed by Winter. We're excited to share this unique afternoon of art and music with you!

___________________________________________________________________ About the Artist: Cassie Eldemar - Biography "I listen when the prims start to whisper, and we create a story" Cassie Eldemar - Retired school teacher and soon to be great grandmother. I joined SL in 2007 a year before I retired. A librarian friend told me about SL and talked me into joining. I was pretty new to computers and the internet back then, and after a couple dozen attempts to find a name that wasn't already taken, I ended up as Cashew Writer...laughs. It didn't take me too long to find the Ivory Tower of Prims which became my alma mater. I've always laughed and called myself the slowest builder in SL. One because I took my time, and two because it seemed to take me about 6 years to catch onto building. It was about then that I became very ill. After I started to recover, I considered quitting SL. But my RL husband of 45 years thought I should stay, and joined SL to be with me here: As it turned out, building became my therapy. I learned to start listening to the prims and my building started to bloom. A building friend introduced me to Mesh Studio, and that has become a very useful building tool. About 4 years ago, I tried making a dollhouse on a very small scale. As I finished a linkset I would mesh it, and when I was finished, the little victorian dollhouse was only 9 LI! Everyone loved the size, the details, and the low I tried making one with furniture and other details....and as they say, the rest is history. Last summer, I started the Collectible series which are smaller and lower LI than the miniatures and include little people. They promise to be a lot of fun:) Enjoy! Cassie

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