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Monday, January 24, 2022

Spotlight on SIngh Automotive - SLE Reporting

With all the teleporting going on in Second Life, it’s rare to see avatars behind the wheel. You usually find cars on race tracks or in family roleplay communities. With all the roads to travel wouldn't it be nice to take one of your favorite cars for a spin, hit the track, or roll up and impress your friends or that avatar you’ve had your eye on? 

Singh Automotive of Second is RP and family-friendly. Ramesh SIngh is the creator and has been in business since 2019 and continues to create great quality cars at fair prices. The vehicles are geared for city driving, whether it be on the mainland, a private region, or a community sim.  Vehicles can be modified so you can add your own items and plate textures. Custom work is also available for roleplay and family needs. 

There are over 120 Models available from older classics to newer cars, motorcycles, and Trucks too! Live customer service is also available. With support like that, you will be dropping some lindens on a luxury car experience and living your best SLife! 

The SL Enquirer caught up with Ramesh to learn more about SIngh Automotive and what he has to offer car enthusiasts across the grid.

Interview with Ramesh SIngh 

SLE: Ramesh it is a pleasure to meet you.  I must say, the work you put into your vehicles shows great attention to detail. What inspired you to get into the auto industry in Second Life?

Ramesh:  Well growing up I always had an affinity for cars, and I always loved the thought of having my own brand.

SLE: Do you personally create all your vehicles? 

Ramesh:  I have some help, my SL family helps me tune things.  The shells are pre-made and acquired and we add our scripts and flair to them.  

SLE: It is great to have family and friends around to help you test your products. Tell our readers what kind of customizations do you do?   

Ramesh:  In the past, we have added trailers, lightbars, made an emergency services vehicle. There are a lot of options.

SLE: Your customers have to like the optional customizations. What is your price range from standard to all souped-up rides?

Ramesh: I try to keep the prices low and fair. 500 to 1500, with most being right in the middle.

SLE: That is very affordable, so many times you find something with the quality you produce to be priced a lot higher. I am sure you pass the savings to your customers brings in a lot more business. What type of vehicles is on your showroom floor? 

Ramesh:  The main lot has a lot on display, from family cars to sports cars.  There are demo rezzers to test everything.

SLE: Demo rezzers are great. They allow residents to try before they buy. How realistic are your vehicles? Such as standard and automatic, working blinkers, wipers, and other features? 

Ramesh:  We try to make them as realistic as possible, blinkers are easy, any vehicle can be auto or manual.  Wipers are something we are adding.

SLE: Do you offer any features to your vehicles that other vehicle designers do not offer?

Ramesh:  At the moment we pride ourselves on being customer service oriented, however, we are in the process of working on a luxury brand with some exclusive features.

SLE: Your work is fantastic. You also sell motorcycles at your location. Is that part of SIngh Automotive?

Ramesh:  Right now we are an authorized reseller of Motodesign bikes, a lovely creator in SL.

SLE: I've driven many vehicles and motorcycles in Second Life from freebie scooters, motorcycles, and sports cars but I always seem to fly off the road and land at the bottom of the ocean. Control seems to be the biggest issue. How can avatars drive the cars you create? Is their a hud? If so, how do you use it?

Ramesh:  We do have a HUD however I don't prefer it.  The best way to avoid losing control is to make sure your vehicle is modifiable and change the settings to what is comfy.  It can depend on where you are, the lag, the type of region, computer quality. We do offer to help find that optimum setting for you, whether you want to Roleplay it out as a service call or just fine-tune it together

SLE: Great advice! Thank you. It is a nice service you offer to help the customer find the best settings for them to get the most out of their vehicle. Do you offer driving lessons for those of us who can’t seem to drive without the risk of being pulled over and given a sobriety test?

Ramesh: chuckles:  Actually the family RP sim I currently live in, I actually run a driving school.  So Cedar Creek would be where to come for those free lessons.

SLE: Might have to sign Orion up for a course, he drives his motorcycle into the garage a lot. So, can you tell our readers are you currently hiring? If so, what positions do you have available?  

Ramesh:  We are always looking for RP mechanics for our lots in Family communities, those don't pay lindens tho.  Otherwise, we are looking for a marketing manager.

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Ramesh:  Just that this endeavor is designed to be fun, and I enjoy meeting new people and talking cars.  I hope if anyone enjoys that as well they would reach out.

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