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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Spotlight on Bayside Maternity Center


Family roleplaying is very popular in Second Life, just like in real life. It sets the stage for future relationships and is there for each other through challenging times. We all need a family to rely on. They are an essential source of encouragement and affection.

Bayside Maternity Center is the embodiment of building families in Second Life. They offer a unique blend of round-the-clock expertise and patient-centered care. Dr. Lelani Rayne and her team of nurses and doctors hold the highest standard in avatar healthcare and are available to help new patients every step of the way. From health insurance, maternity care, pediatrics, urgent care, and many other medical needs. The SL Enquirer is excited to be a sponsor of this well-thought-out medical facility. We sat down with the owner, Dr. Lelani Rayne to learn more about Bayside Maternity Center and what it has to offer the residents of Second Life.

Interview with Dr. Lelani Rayne

SLE: We thank you for taking the time to sit with us for this interview, with your company Bayside Maternity Center you have a lot going on. Can you tell our readers how your company started and the direction you would like to see it go?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: Thank You so much for taking the time out to interview me. My clinic started in a basement of a mansion I had, I wanted to provide a place where everyone could receive maternity services, regardless of sex, species, or income. The clinic grew quickly so I purchased my first clinic and saw about 5 patients for two months. That too grew even bigger and I needed a bigger clinic. Now I have so many patients a full staff of Drs, nurses, receptionists, and technicians. I am currently of services for maternity, general medicine, pediatrics as well as BeYou patients. The direction I'm headed is to have multiple locations within SL to offer the same as well as more services.

SLE: That’s great that you offer your services to anyone and everyone who wants to experience having a family in Second Life. Your center offers many different services from Maternity to Urgent Care. Can you explain to our readers the different types of care they can expect for each service?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: When a maternity package is selected, you will receive several weeks of exams, blood work, ultrasounds, prenatal care, assistance with the different HUDs, and Pregnancy bodies. General medicine will offer, physicals, blood work, x-rays, and any prescription that can be filled in our fully functional on-site pharmacy.

SLE: That is a full-service medical roleplay facility. You also stated that you offer Medical Insurance. Can you explain how that works in Second Life for residents?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: Yes! Medical insurance can be purchased for and paid monthly, 6 months, or annually and it will cover several services at the patient's request, such as Vision Health checkups & Immunizations 

SLE: That's the first time I’ve heard of insurance in SL. The maternity packages seem to be one of the most popular that you have. You offer many different levels of it, can you explain more to our readers what each package will offer and what kind of service they can expect with each?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: Yes! Maternity is the biggest. I offer three packages Standard, which covers short term pregnancies, Deluxe covers slightly longer, and VIP will cover up to a 9 month RL pregnancy. They can expect to receive:


  • Blood work, Urinalysis, Blood Pressure check, Glucose, and Fetal Heart rate

  • Sonograms 

  • Congratulations Package Gift

  • Customized birth Certificate.

  • Delivery in a luxury style suite or clinic water birth

  • The birth announcement in The SL Enquirer (optional for privacy)

SLE: There are many pregnancy / Belly HUDs in Second Life, which are compatible with your maternity center? Do you need a specific product to experience pregnancy and delivery with your services? Which HUD would you recommend and why?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: No. We work with all HUDs and pregnancy bodies. I'm a personal fan of the Lovemomma body because it is very user-friendly.

SLE: Huds and pregnancy bodies can be intimidating, thank you for sharing which is most user-friendly. I see that you offer Lamaze classes, do you find this a popular class for new mothers and fathers to join and learn what to expect before the arrival of their little one or two or three for that matter :)

Dr. Lelani Rayne: Yes, it's popular, it gives parents the opportunity to know what to expect during labor and delivery. It also answers lots of questions new moms and dads may have.

SLE: Since your company inception can you tell us how the clientele growth has been? Do you find that you have more mothers during specific months or times? 

Dr. Lelani Rayne: Clientele has grown in a major way. Went from getting 1-2 new patients every 2 weeks to 1 new patient a week, to now getting 31-33 new patients a day. 

SLE: That's some major growth! We are excited to sponsor Bayside Maternity Clinic and post the birth announcements in The SL Enquirer as part of your packages and look forward to working with you. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Dr. Lelani Rayne: I'm appreciative and grateful for being able to provide affordable care for my patients and patients to come. :-) I want to thank the SLE for working with Me and my team. I look forward to more growth! 

Additional Information:



Bayside Medical Clinic Group: secondlife:///app/group/5f995adf-28b8-4ca5-fa3e-2bdfea9eac22/about



Preferred Contact: δΊ—Δβ„œ.β„’ (lalonee.bellic)

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