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Monday, November 15, 2021

Thanksgiving Shopping At Fairplay Designs - Stacy Cardalines Reporting


As a real-life resident of Plymouth County hailing from a town founded by Myles Standish, it is only natural that I am the SL Enquirer's expert in all things Thanksgiving. This is true even though I am the Sportswriter at this paper, and it is true even though we have several writers who are better at Crafts stuff than I am by a significant margin. I have a Thanksgiving-themed authenticity that you can only get from a realtor. It's like when rappers have street credibility, just with cranberries and little funny buckled hats.

Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. This is why Thanksgiving has so much emphasis on stuffing... stuffing your face! Farmers are happy when they get the harvest in. Their work is lessened afterward, they have food for the winter and they can sell some of the crop to buy goods they need. What better way to celebrate the harvest than to fill your tummy? Thanksgiving celebrations have strayed from the original some- the Pilgrims had no cranberry sauce, rarely watched the NFL, and invited Wampanoags over for dinner- but the basic idea is still the same. 

SL has a bit of a Thanksgiving void that you don't see with other major holidays. I blame non-Americans, who either aren't thankful enough or who have their Thanksgiving on some non-November date. If we ever get an American Napoleon or an American Genghis Khan, this is probably something he will straighten out in conquered territories early in his reign. Sometimes you have to force Thankfulness onto some people, and it's better to get us all synched up on the same date for it. They'll thank us for it later, once they are more thankful.

I did a search and found a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving sim, but the landmark they gave me dropped me off the edge of the property and I fell 3500 meters, so eff them. I went to a Plymouth-themed sim a long time ago, they even had the Mayflower and a Wampanoag village, but that place is no longer operational. I was there long enough ago that the pictures I took there no longer work. Prolly from an older SL Enquirer host, I've been here many moons. I have yet to find another Pilgrim sim, but I never stop looking... so, therefore, you can stop looking. 

Either way, it can be tough to get Thanksgiving/harvest themed goods on SL. Retailers, much like in real life, have a short window between Halloween and Christmas seasons for Thanksgiving. Brooke Fairplay, a store owner who I spoke with when researching this article, said she has to take down all of her Autumn stuff two days after Thanksgiving to make room for all her Christmas stuff. She makes up for it by being able to bundle Thanksgiving and Halloween together, as they share iconic decorations like corn stalks and pumpkins. Not many people beyond jihad-intensity bargain hunters jump up in May and say, "Hot damn, I'd better go buy some Thanksgiving-themed stuff."

The time to strike is now, and the place to strike is Fairplay Designs. I popped in there today, unannounced, ran into the owner (the previously mentioned Brooke Fairplay), looked around some... I'm a first-class snoop. It's what I do. It's all I do. I prefer to visit the place as a regular tourist/consumer rather than as a scheduled journalistic appointment. I see it how you see it.

You'll like seeing this place. She has seasonal goods and is all over the Harvest season. She has turkeys, mums, pumpkin pies, fall leaves, scarecrows, greeting cards, balloons, hay, corn stalks, and a whole bunch of other stuff so Thanksgiving-ish that you could probably get Priscilla Alden's phone number. If you scatter this stuff around your property properly, you'll have a rustic, pastoral vibe, even if you live in an urban sim. The prices are Fair(play) enough that you won't be spending frivolously to decorate your house for November. I wouldn't do that to you.

If you're a guy who owns a SL property and you maybe are gonna have a girl over this November, you can spend a bit of lira here and be seasonably well-decorated when the young lady arrives. If you are a man who is reading a holiday decoration article, you probably don't need me telling you that the girl will probably not be impressed if your house only has a rug, a hot tub, and a BDSM bed... but I'll mention it anyway, just in case. If you have no idea where to put the corn stalks and the scarecrow, maybe take the young lady with you to Fairplay Designs and let her pick out and- later, at your house- place the stuff. You can ease her into the Fuck Couch part of the house later, once there are oak trees on your property and she thinks you're all sensitive and stuff.

If you are hosting any sort of Thanksgiving event, you probably want to dip into Fairplay Designs. They have what you need. As I mentioned before, they are about a month away from going All Christmas, so you're good there for that holiday, too. Brooke already has a bunch of Christmas stuff out, and even more, will be coming once December hits. But for now, in November, think Thanksgiving.

Of course, I have the landmark! It's down below somewhere!

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