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Friday, October 15, 2021

SQUID GAME IN SECOND LIFE! First Tournament October 23rd, 2021 beginning at 12 pm SLT. 50L to Enter, winner takes all.

SQUID GAME IN SECOND LIFE! October 23rd, 2021 beginning at 12 pm SLT. 50L to Enter, winner takes all.

SQUID GAME is the latest Netflix survival drama series that is breaking the internet right now. For those of you who have not watched it, you are truly missing out on a twisted series based on Korean childhood games.  Written and directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk, the storyline is centered around 456 participants who are in major debt. In desperation, participants signed a contract and were given a card with a phone number on the back. They agreed to the terms and made the call to arrange for pick up. Participants are gassed to sleep so they do not know the location of the games. Once there, they are placed in a warehouse with beds and all wearing the same green tracksuits with numbers ranging from 1- 456. The first game is “Red Light, Green Light”...where they find out how the game really works. The prize to one winner is a whopping 45.6 billion.

We are excited to announce Squid Game is in Second Life! The SL Enquirer met with Jim Kirk, creator of Squid Game in Second Life for a sneak preview of this new interactive venue and the upcoming first tournament details on October 23rd, 2021. We hope to see you there!

Interview with Jim Kirk (jimbobkirk))

SLE: We are excited to see Squid Game in Second Life! Can you tell our readers what inspired you to create it in Second Life?

Jim: This all came about when I watched the whole squid game series and it just looked like so much fun to play! It was the talk of the town! Seemed as though no one had done an SL version yet, and I love building and scripting so I got started. Within a day or 2, we already had many visitors showing up. Though only the first 2 games were made by then. We've had amazing support from all of the SL community and we are so grateful so many of you are as passionate about this as I am!


SLE: We found you in SL search and knew we had to check it out. The Red light Green light set looks exactly like the one on the show.  I’m sure it was a lot of work getting it just right.



Jim: After a couple of days of working on it, I realized that with all the fuss about it, I needed some help! So my very good friend Bam (PrincessBamb1) came to help out. I worked on creating the games (coding and designing the games) where she worked on making the areas look the part! She's done an amazing job! Though watch out, she might be the one that shoots you ;)


SLE: Well you did a fantastic job creating replicas of the games. We have our tracks suits ready! What can you tell us about the games for those who have not seen the series?




Jim: All of the games except the tug of war (marketplace bought) were coded by myself. Though I do believe I will spend a long time improving them all ;) I gave myself the goal of completing (coding) one game per day, and somehow managed to stick to that plan.


SLE: I bet the traffic is starting to pick up in SL since this show went viral in real life!


Jim: We were so shocked to see that even on day 4 we were getting so many visitors. I spent no time advertising the place at all, I was just there building/coding every day. But every day more and more people showed up. With no advertising, it was amazing to see that on day 4 we already had over 20 group members.



SLE: We are proud to be sponsoring your version of Squid Games in Second Life and can’t wait to see it in full action. Can you reveal to our readers when the first tournament starts?


Jim: With our first tournament being on 23rd October 2021 beginning at 12 pm SLT. 50L to Enter, winner takes all.  we already feel like the place will be packed out on the day. Might even have to put a limit on entrants so we don't crash the sim!


So far we have all games completed, however, we will be working on visual improvements and giving it a more realistic feel for a long time to come.


SLE: Anything else would you like our readers to know about your version of Squid Games?


Jim: We even added the ability for our "Guards" or "Enforcers" to shoot players ;) Feel free to ask for a tour if you see one of our Enforcers around. They'll give you tips on the games and even shoot you if you break a honeycomb! We're really looking forward to this first tournament of ours, and we hope to see you there! 



It is 50L to Enter. The winner takes all and an exclusive interview with The SL Enquirer.

Sign up for the tournament here!

Join the Group Squid Games! 


We are hiring Guards in Red Suits! 

Apply here:


Preferred Contact: 

Jim Kirk (jimbobkirk)


  1. I'm really glad this out I posted it on my facebook and sent out the landmark this place is really fun love red light green light and the glass breaking one

  2. The landmark to register is


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