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Friday, October 1, 2021

GeekSpeak – Telepresence- Join the discussion October 2nd at 12pm SLT

One day soon you may be able to rent a drone for a while and see the world as the drone sees it.  You could fly through the Grand Canyon or visit the North pole.  You could wear glasses that enable you to see things hundreds of miles away.  The person you are talking to could appear in front of you.  You could watch brain surgery as though you were present at the operation.  You could experience flying like a bird or swimming like a fish deep beneath the surface of the sea.  You could visit the moon.  You could rent several drones and be in many different places at the same time.

How will this change the way humans interact?  Will anyone ever travel in person again?  Or do you think that there are experiences that can never be duplicated by a drone?

Come and discuss our very lazy future!  We have seats for telepresence available, even if you are on Mars.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.


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