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Sunday, September 26, 2021



The other day as I wandered the Grid, looking for interesting topics to bring our SL Readers, I happened upon a resident named Neuralinks.  As luck would have it, it was only about 15 minutes before the launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, of the SpaceX Inspiration4 mission to orbit the earth.  She directed me to a link with the live feed of the launch.

I was transfixed.

You see, on February 20, 1962, Astronaut John Glenn made history as the first American to orbit the earth.  I stood on a beach at Cape Canaveral and watched that flight, along with about 60 million television viewers, as he road that Redstone rocket in the Mercury capsule Freedom Seven into space, and into history. Now, some three score years later, I had the privilege of watching another space shot.  This time with a crew of three more than the Mercury flights. And for three days, vice just the three orbits, as Glenn had done.  WOW! Talk about a rush!

After the successful conclusion of the Inspiration4 mission, I met again with Neuralinks, and she graciously agreed to answer a few questions about SpaceX and related endeavors, for our SL Enquirer readers.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Neuralinks, exactly what is an “Advanced Virtual Expert/Virtual Presence in Second Life/MetaLife?”

Neuralinks (N):   I am so excited you asked this question. Let us start by breaking down the words.  Advanced, meaning, ie., Experience. Virtual, as in COMPUTING, not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so. Expert due to the experience. A double positive.  Here there are many platforms available for the human mind to enter and engage with. Second Life is rare as it has everything a human mind needs to create with. Senn Maximus, owner of Builders Brewery sandbox, a full sim dedicated to builders, has a friend who is working on studies and courses for owner builders, home owners who want to build, or renovate, etc. They are working on utilizing SL. Some people may just want to visit Paris without leaving their home. Second Life offers that availability because a resident of that community built it for others to enjoy.  I help educate others about Second Life and its possibilities. 

JB:   So, just what is your connection with the National Space Society and The International Space Flight Museum?

N:   Many community members of Second Life enjoy space-related simulations. In Second Life, there are a few main space-related educational simulations.  The two I found are: The National Space Society and The International Space Flight Museum.

Both of these simulations have been hard at work for years, building and promoting human space flight. As a one-world species, it is inevitable that the human species will either die on the planet earth or it can be space-faring and venture to other planets. As Mr. Elon Musk once wrote: "Making life multi-planetary is an extremely hard, but not impossible, problem". The simulations in Second Life give humans an opportunity to visit the many rockets, information and photos with regards to space that humans have built in an attempt to leave earth, or have left earth with. 

Many of the Second Life Groups have strong connections to its members. The NSS and International Space Museum pride themselves with working with their members. Their website is  They run on donations and all donations are used toward the operating costs of the museum.

The NSS has an in-world presence of the National Space Society, an international organization of like-minded people, from the interested public to grassroots activists to astronauts and space scientists.

National Space Society website:  

NSS in SL group, free to join:

Their Vision:  People living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the  vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity. The National Space Society" sim introduces the concept of "The Extraterrestrial Plateau" into Second Life, with its extraterrestrial planetary surface at or above 300 meters altitude. This puts it above both the clouds and the growth zone found at lower altitudes in Second Life. In the NSS Sim, the volume beneath the surface is riddled with lava tube caverns, as are believed to be possible, and considerable evidence exists for them, on the Moon and Mars.

It is a multiple-level simulation which allows them to demonstrate at least three stages in development, currently under construction: Early bases made mostly from prefabs and material brought from Earth; developing growth including lunar industry supplying many needs; and at the deepest level in the largest cavern, a fully pressurized volume capable of holding a small city, complete with running water, plants, open air, and even clouds and weather.

JB:   Last Week SpaceX had a very successful launch of the Inspiration4 Mission. Were the passengers all trained astronauts?  Or paying passengers? 

Inspiration4 mission was on September 15, 2021 and they returned on September 18 from orbit.  They left Earth from Kennedy Space Center’s historic Launch Complex 39A, used during the  Apollo 11 Lunar Landing mission. This most recent mission was to support St. Jude Children’s Research hospital and be a part of history as the crew raised $200 million to help make a brighter future for children everywhere. Mr. Elon Musk donated 50 million dollars to the cause.  Inspiration4 is the world’s first all-civilian mission to orbit the earth.  Crew members included:

Jared Isaacman, Commander & Benefactor

Jared is the founder and CEO of Shift4 Payments (NYSE: FOUR), the leader in integrated payment processing solutions. An accomplished jet pilot, he is rated to fly commercial and military aircraft and holds several world records including two Speed-Around-The-World flights in 2008 and 2009 that raised money and awareness for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Hayley Arceneaux is Hope

As a child, Hayley suffered from bone cancer. Her family turned to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for her treatment and care, which included chemotherapy and a limb-saving surgery. She is now finished with treatment and thriving. She now works at St. Jude  as a PA – the very place that saved her life – helping leukemia and lymphoma patients.

Chris Sembroski is Generosity

Chris grew up with a natural curiosity about outer space.  As a U.S. Space Camp counselor, he conducted simulated space shuttle missions and supported STEM-based education designed to inspire young minds to explore these areas and find their passions. Later, he then served in the U.S. Air Force, deploying for service in Iraq before leaving active duty in 2007.

Dr. Sian Proctor is Prosperity

Sian is a science communication specialist with a lifelong passion for space exploration. She was born in Guam while her father was working at the NASA tracking station during the Apollo missions.  She has a TEDx talk called Eat Like a Martian and published the Meals for Mars Cookbook. Dr. Proctor was a finalist for the 2009 NASA Astronaut Program.

JB: So, I have a couple days of vacation time coming up at work, and I have been saving up some for it. What would a seat on a SpaceX shot cost me?

N: I think it is around $50 Million dollars at this time, but as more sponsors come on board, the costs will go down. Major corporations like Nikon and others can sponsor events and employees. People can get married, renew vows or what ever they want. It is just a beginning.

JB: Fifty mil, huh? Maybe I will wait until NEXT year and see if the price drops some. So tell me. What are visitors likely to see when they visit SpaceX in Second Life?

N: The SpaceX Event Center and Mars Bar is an anti-Gravity chamber.  An attachment can be worn and you can float around the stimulation and explore or walk. The NSS has an attachment to walk like you are walking on the moon. The event center has three levels. The first houses books, photos and a meeting place to stop by before exploring NSS and The International Flight Museum.

If you want to spend time at the center, the MARS BAR is situated on the second floor and music is played by a DJ or the in-house media.  The top floor boasts a Falcon9 and a chair. You can look at the stars, count them and  ponder.

JB: I understand you have the 2021 World Space Week Virtual Event coming up in early October.  What is that all about?

N:   The mission of World Space Week Association (WSWA) is to strengthen the link between space and society through public education, participation, and dialog on the future of space activity using World Space Week as a focus. At the recent Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, SpaceX and others were recognized for their great support of World Space Week.  SL SpaceX Group is supporting their efforts in Second Life.  Lanai Jarrico, Editor-in-Chief of Second Life Enquirer, is set to receive an award in Second Life at the World Space Week Celebration Award ceremony in Second Life on October 9, 3PM SL Time. 

So, there you have it, Folks.  If you are a resident of Second Life, you probably already have a desire to “explore strange new worlds, to seek out new Lives, and new civilizations. To Boldly go where no avatar has gone before!” (Cue Star Trek theme song).  So come’on.  Check out World Space Week in Second Life and stretch that imagination with a dose of reality as mankind continues to reach for the heavens.

Be there!  Aloha!


For more images of SpaceX, go to:


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