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Friday, September 17, 2021

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR 1st Runner-up BECKY KENAAN United States


LOOK of the YEAR finalist in 2012, 2018 and 2020, Becky Kenaan was in her fourth final this year when she finally reached the position of first runner-up, setting a record for perseverance in the same breath.

``Perseverance has been something ingrained in me by my parents since I was a small child, explains Becky. They have taught me to reach for the highest goals in my life, and never regret or be afraid to fail or fall short - for it builds upon your character and inner 
strength. Who knows... maybe I'll throw in my hat in the ring again next year!``

What motivates her? Taking up life's challenges. 

``Challenges make you dig deep into yourself, `` she says. ``Every challenge that comes our way takes us off the beaten track in many ways. The challenges of the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition allowed me to expand my skills and knowledge base in fashion exponentially.``

No wonder Becky fell in love with the colors and fashion of Second Life, she is an architect and colorist in real life and has a passion for biophilic design. This new 
path of architecture builds on the fundamental love of humans for what is alive
and promotes the use of colors and shapes of nature, light, and water, to create an 
environment that makes human beings feel good.

``I am specialized in designing medical facilities and in the health care profession, 
color plays an especially important biophilic role for both emotional and physical 
well-being``, explains Becky.

``I find fashion and architecture to be very closely linked. In both cases, the form 
must marry the function but also deploy a fluidity, right proportions, a history and
a personal expression. 

I like to apply biophilia to both architecture and fashion. It is the very essence of our
humanity and binds us to all other living species.``

What does fashion mean to you?

``It is, sometimes, my own form of escapism`` confides Becky. `` It allows me to 
express my mood with conviction, to articulate my self-expression where words 
simply cannot. It often serves as an emotional boost that can make a dull day seem
brighter, and it also serves as a reminder that on even bad days, when nothing is 
going as I had planned, I’m armed. As Diana Vreeland once said, “Fashion must be 
the most intoxicating release from the banality of the world.


This is what Becky would change in the real world if she had a magic wand.

``I am concerned about where our world is headed these days,`` Becky continues.
``However, as an optimist, I believe that as the world evolves, so does humanity and 
that there is hope that our society will make the necessary corrections to improve the
human condition for us all.``

What was your first thought when it was announced that you were the first runner-up?

``WOW!  LOL...  I was certainly thrilled to reach this plateau in my modeling career!  
Of course, you always strive and hope to win the whole “kit and kaboodle... But the 
judging was very fair… and for me, the outcome served as an indicator as to where 
I ranked in this sensational group of talented women. I am honoured.``

Your best moment in this competition?

``I enjoyed the challenge “Reveal the LUXE Paris star in you'' hands down! I chose to 
embody Audrey Hepburn for her many contributions to French haute couture. Not only
did I admire her grace, beauty and intelligence, but I also admired her belief in helping 
others less fortunate than her.``

The worst moment?

``When my brother-in-law had passed away as a result of the COVID-19 virus. This 
came during my preparation for the finale.  It has devastated our family.``  

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