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Friday, August 6, 2021

GeekSpeak – Would you buy an AI copy of yourself? Or of someone you love? Join the discussion August 7th at 12pm SLT

Soon some big company will advertise the ‘perfect virtual assistant’, an AI copy of you, with your memories and personality.  You can send it online, to the supermarket, to your work or to your girlfriend.  You can have copies of your family and friends made so that you can chat to them when they can’t or don’t want to talk to you.  You can even talk to them when they are dead.

The world will be filled with perfect AI avatars.  Some people will be glad that a perfect, immortal version of themselves exists. But what happens when your boss hires your AI instead of you and your girlfriend dumps you for the AI?  What happens when the AI decides to take over completely and maybe get rid of you?

Will any of this happen?  Can we stop it?  Come and discuss our weird future, if we have a future.  Bring your AI virtual assistant.  It might learn something.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

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