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Friday, July 9, 2021

SLE Police Report: SL Karen Strikes back at Terry's Place

 7/9/21- SLE Police Blotter

According to sources close to The SL Enquirer, an avatar by the name of Eliza Ca*ASSoun spends her time crying in IMz and forcing her opinions on others and breaking the only rule at this prestigious venue. "Don't be a D*ck".  Plain and simple. 

One innocent bystander reported the smell of Bengay and spoiled milk, another suspected halitosis.  Due to strict HIPAA laws we could not verify or deny these allegations however upon thrusting her emotional disputes upon happy concert-goers she disappeared without a trace.

One guest suggested she got recruited by a German Dungeon porn sim as a greeter and fluffer another said she got muted and banned across the board.

A warrant has been issued for her arrest and charges include chronic BO  with fines exceeding 5,000L.

If you seen or heard from this SL Karen, please keep your distance to avoid becoming Karen'd

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