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Monday, June 14, 2021

Spotlight on Rogue Galaxy - It's all about the Music! Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

"Where words fail, music speaks."- Hans Christian Andersen

Originally from Canada, Rogue Galaxy resides in upstate New York. She is a seasoned musician/vocalist with a timbre and tone of her voice unique to the Blues, but she also performs Rock, Jazz, Rockabilly, Pop, and more. In Second Life,  Rogue makes you feel every word she sings at her performances.  Her distinct voice and musical style will charm the hearts of all.

Her talent goes beyond Second Life. As a  2020 People's Choice Sammy Award Nominee (Syr. NY), Rogue Galaxy is a seasoned musician/vocalist. Her vocals are described as sultry, bluesy, and smoky and she performs a variety of music for dinner parties, restaurants, galleries, cafes, wineries, breweries, festivals, concerts, and private engagements. Rogue was heavily involved in her local music scene and ran various groups both online and off until the pandemic hit.  

Interview with Rogue Galaxy

SLE: Hi Rogue, thank you for taking the time to sit with me for this interview. You have over 20 years of experience in the music industry. Can you tell us a little about your music background and how you discovered Second Life?

Rogue: Hello Lanai, you’re welcome, and thank you for asking me to do this interview! To be honest I grew up around music. My father always played in bands and had jam sessions and parties at our house. There was never a dull moment! Lol... I grew up singing with him and in school and church choirs etc. I discovered SL back in 2006, a friend asked me to join, I created my avatar Artemis Vandeverre, and was soon on the way to discovering a whole new world. I sang as Artemis from 2007 – 2009, then stopped singing, as I bought a sim and created this avatar Rogue became a businesswoman rented out land and shops, and created female shapes called Rogue Shapes. Lol WOW.. that seems like a lifetime ago! but that lasted about 2 years and then I ended up renting out the sim for 10 years.. and last year came back in-world to enjoy it and sing again.

SLE: Wow you are a Jane of all SL trades! I’m glad to hear you returned back to SL to share your talent. With your real-life music career taking a hit during the Pandemic, do you see things getting back to normalcy?

Rogue: Things are starting to happen here, they are slowly getting back to normal, although, even though I am vaccinated, I can still carry the germs.. and as a singer, I personally take precautions as I don’t want to make anyone sick, so I have decided that for me personally, I will perform at outside only venues and will have a sneeze screen barrier in front of me, so I don’t project directly to my audience. I would never want to be responsible for making anyone sick or worse. SO yeah... it’s a lot to think about and wrap your head around.

SLE: The pandemic has affected so many real-life venues, it is great that you have a plan for you returning with only outside venues for now. At least you are getting back into it. So, trying to juggle a real-life music career with  Mohawk Valley Open Mic and a variety of local open mics in your area. Do you find your time divided equally?

Rogue: I’ve always attended live shows in SL from the time I started here. If I'm not busy performing... I'm promoting, attending other music events, etc.

SLE: You’re always busy, that is good. So tell the readers since you have a wide range of vocal talents. Do you personally have a favorite that you use as your “go-to” when you feel the need to pump up the crowd, or even get yourself in better energy for a crowd?

Rogue: I’m a blues gal at heart, but I love all genres of music.. If I need to boost people's spirits. Everyone seems to like CCR and I’ve done CCR tributes here, they were very well received and people have a lot of fun!

SLE: Since you have been performing in Second Life, have you ever dual streamed with any other artist, or is there an artist you would like to dual-stream with?

Rogue: No, I’ve never dual streamed, but I’m talking dual streaming with UglyBill, he’s a wonderful performer! I think dual streaming would be great fun! I can’t wait to try it!

SLE: We would love to hear that! Second Life is a great platform for artists of all kinds. Have you personally brought anyone into Second Life to either perform or just show them what the virtual worlds have to offer?

Rogue: Oh yes, I brought many friends in to hang out and explore over the years! Some who lived in a different country, so we could talk and hang out.. the virtual worlds are great for connecting. However, I haven’t brought any musicians in, but members of my acoustic trio are up for it.. so I may host an acoustic concert in the future! 

SLE: Well you will have to let us know when you do, we would love to promote it for you. How do you prefer to get booking requests? Also, do you have a group that fans can join for your performance notifications?

Rogue: If people are interested in booking me, they can just drop me a notecard. I always put out an info board at my sets but I just made a HUD I can hand out to people at my shows. They attach it and can click on it for all of my info, like my song list, booking info, websites, Facebook, etc. it’s a great lil gadget... I love being creative in SL!

SLE: I like that idea of a hud to give out all your information. So tell us, when you aren’t performing, what do you like to do In SL?

Rogue: Well, when I’m not performing, I co-host Open Mic for musicians and vocalists at my UglyBills BawdyHaus bi-weekly on Mondays, I like to go listen to other musicians! Katia Portugal, Mavenn, UglyBill, Cammy Carter 😊  to name a few, I like to visit some of my favorite venues to see what's going on, and I like to explore various regions from around the world

SLE: So Rogue in closing is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Rogue: nothing to add here.. 😊

Additional Information



GROUP: Rogue Galaxy - The Mojo Mama  




BOOKINGS: Send notecard directly to Rogue Galaxy

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