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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spotlight on Dallas Winslet- A performer of Blues and Beyond- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Dallas Winslet is originally from Texas but is currently residing in Arizona.  He has been performing in Second Life since 2009 but his experience in music goes way beyond that. His genre covers mainly Blues from the ’60s to the ’90s or whatever is requested by his fans. You may even get some rock, pop, and country. The SL Enquirer caught up with Dallas to learn more about his background and what he has been up to on the grid.

Interview with Dallas

SLE: Dallas, First and foremost thank you for supporting the SL Enquirer for all these years. Your shout-outs at concerts when we show up do not go unnoticed. Can you tell our fans a little about your background in music in real life and how you discovered Second Life?


Dallas: I found that music is in my soul and it rocks me every day. It is like a bad itch that is always there. and it has saved my life, made me feel like a frog who became a king.


SLE: Music is definitely a therapy in many ways for people. Not only has it helped you but by performing for others it boosts their spirits. I would say your genre is manly blues and sometimes you step off the beaten path to perform what your fans request. Can you describe your genre style?


Dallas: Anything from A to Z and everything in between


SLE: I want our readers to step into your cowboy boots to see it through your eyes. What’s it like performing in front of a Second Life audience? After a decade of performances behind you, do you still get nervous during a show?


Dallas: Sometimes if the equipment isn't working but normally I am just fine.


SLE:  Yeah, you don’t strike me as the shy and nervous type. You are more of a straight-to-the-point kinda guy.  Every performer was inspired somewhere in their life that helps mold them into their music career. Who were your inspirations and why?


Dallas: Elvis, Michael,  Neil, my friend Charles these folks were kings in their particular genre. my friend Charles is a master at the guitar,


SLE: You named dropped some legends there. Have you ever duel streamed with any of the SL legends? If not, who would you like to perform with?


Dallas: Yes I have and will again. Savannah, Maribol, Trinity, and my friend Charles. 


SLE: One of the most asked questions from our readers to ask performers is, when in the shower, what is the go-to song you are belting out while getting squeaky clean?


Dallas: Baby I need your love



SLE: I’ll leave that alone lol.  Do you play any instruments?  If not, is there one that you would love to learn?


Dallas: Piano, slide steels guitar, I would like to learn them both as well. I am not all that good at them lol.


SLE: At least you tried. What venues do you usually perform at? We want some name-dropping.


Dallas: SideCar lounge, Purple Rose, Grapevine, Mountain lion, Rock Stage, Brazen head, Aqua. I also like to go to Terry’s Place for Open Mic on Fridays when I have the chance. Great crowd.


SLE: How can venues book your shows?


Dallas: Get hold of me directly


SLE: Simple enough. Congratulations on 11 years in SL. It is always great to chat with you. We’ve enjoyed your shows throughout the year and wish you the very best. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Dallas: Every time I am on the stage it is live and as my playing of instruments improves, look out baby cause here I come!




SL GROUP: Dallas’s Gang secondlife:///app/group/bef160cd-b2e5-a6c6-048f-8ef90976716f/about




PREFERRED CONTACT FOR BOOKINGS: Contact Dallas Winslet directly


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