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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Adventures in Education: Dandilyon Jinx Reports on Woodcrest University

While many of the educational institutions sit idle during the summer months, this is not the case at Woodcrest University. A residential and role play sim, the university sits in the middle of a bustling town with active coffee shops, workout gyms, and sports bars. While Woodcrest has no real world accreditations, the education there is authentic.

This reporter had an opportunity to experience this first hand by attending Professor Daragan Cabeza·de·Vaca’s Art & Design class. "Originally from Spain, I emigrated from there when I was a teenager," said Cabeza·de·Vaca. “Fast-forward to today… I'm 23 years old and aside from teaching, I'm a grad student in our MBA program, active in our Greek System, and throw the Javelin for our Angry Beavers Track Team.” Despite having a full plate of activities, the Professor still makes herself available to her students if they need extra help.

The class filled up with students quickly, and after everyone signed in for attendance, the professor began. "Tonight we're continuing on with the genre of Art Nouveau,” she said. She commenced by teaching a full class on the topic, centering on Art Nouveau through Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt. As students, we watched short films, listened as the professor explained the slides, and answered questions. 

After an engaging and highly informative lesson, Cabeza·de·Vaca concluded class in her usual way. "Thank you for your time and the desire to experience our world in an expressive, Artistic way. Until next Monday, Stay Safe out there, Practice your Art, and be Extra-kind to one another. Class dismissed."

After experiencing a class at Woodcrest University, I went to have a look around campus. Everywhere were clear signs of school pride. A list of classes included psychology, astronomy, and performing arts. As I explored, I found fully equipped classroom laboratories and music rooms. A library, cafeteria, and student council meeting rooms were all in use. A sports program at the university has a full stadium and gymnasium. The school sports teams include basketball, boxing, football, track and field, swimming, wrestling, and a cheerleading squad.

The students were friendly as well. Pεᴛεя Áηdяεw Pαяᴋεя was happy to give me a brief tour of the campus on his way up to Professor Cabeza·de·Vaca’s class. A typical student, Pαяᴋεя struggles to balance a busy life. “Sadly I don't always make it to classes due to work but the ones I do, I enjoy a lot.” Pαяᴋεя’s name appears on the school honor rolls, so his balancing act is working.

A packed school calendar is a good indication of how involved life at Woodcrest can be, but the overall message seems to be one of kindness and excellence. A Dean’s List and Honor Roll inspire students to excel, but as Dean Steven Lovecraft III says in his welcome, “Woodcrest is a place to find belonging---a place to engage in the dialectic of finding and expressing yourself while building up and not tearing down one another. Welcome to this special place.”

A large and dedicated staff help to make the university a great experience. Teachers must apply to lead classes. While role-playing is part of the experience, real educational content is the focus. That was certainly true of the class I attended.  Attendance is taken by the instructors and sent to the University Coordinator. At the end of each half-semester, Instructors can recommend students for Honors or High Honors.

To complete the student life experience, fraternity and sorority chapters self-govern and maintain houses on Greek Row. The Council of the Woodcrest University Student Union represents both the undergraduate council and the graduate assembly and connects the administration with the students. The council sponsors student clubs and school spirit. 

The town of Woodcrest welcomes new residents that would like to be positive and active participants in the culture. Their website describes the town as “a vibrant college town” where local residents and the university's students work side by side. From interning with the police department and emergency services to working in the local businesses, interaction and cooperation is encouraged. The town founders have even established a fund supporting entrepreneurial students to start businesses of their own.

Residents looking for a full university experience with a diverse student body and a focus on academics and positivity need look no farther than Woodcrest University.

Go Beavers!

Additional Information:



Woodcrest University secondlife:///app/group/d23a87bc-9043-2251-2228-9630791e8ca2/about




Preferred contact: Bliss Fairchild (blissful.loon)

Images credit: Dandilyon Jinx

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Professor Daragan Cabeza·de·Vaca 2.jpg

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