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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spotlight on Lo Bloch Management- Lo Bloch Management is not a “business”

“Lo Bloch Management is not a “business” it is simply an outlet that provides music line ups and gives you the best experience in having a successful live music event.

Lo Bloch and her team manage well-known musicians such as Skye Galaxy, Dexter Moore, Semina, Spiritled, and Shagpile Spyker. Unlike other musician management groups, Lo Bloch has created this company because of her love of music and she believes in the artist she manages and wants to share the gift of music with the world. The SL Enquirer caught up with Lo Bloch to learn more about LBM.

Interview with Lo Bloch

SLE: Lo Bloch, thank you for taking time today and sitting down with us. We would like to start off with an easy question. Just to break the ice. Can you tell us why and how you discovered Second Life. 

Lo Bloch: A friend of mine from out of town told me to download SecondLife so we could hang out.  She is actually the one who told me to use the name Bloch. So there are several of us Bloch's. We started hanging out at a region called Fire Beach.  Met a few people there. I swear I thought there were no other regions besides Fire Beach. Until I asked a guy what Stellllla meant on his head. He said it was a musician named Stella Silvanky. After a few months, he talked me into going to a show. I eventually learned how to search events and looked up Stella but ended up at Gina Stella's show. Gina fell in love with how I interacted with the crowd and asked me to help manage her... That is how it all started.....

SLE: When did you realize that a music management company was needed and what specifically gave you the intuition to create it?

Lo Bloch: Hmmm to be honest I do not remember when I created the company. I started out managing Gina Stella and Anek Fuchs. We added a few other musicians back then. But I really don't remember how it all happened. It was so long ago!

SLE: Your website mentions Lo Bloch Management is not a business. What is your company's objective and who is part of the team?

Lo Bloch: True, I do not consider myself a business. To me, a business means you are there to make money. I do not do this to make money. I do it because I believe in the artist and I want to share the gift of music with the world.  I have two people who help me out, Dara Cocaine & Aυяεlια Vσи Tяσυвlεѕ when real happens. I do not use hosts because I feel that if the venue has a host that is enough for a greeter. My managers will be there just to make sure all technical issues are taken care of.

SLE: Can you tell our readers what the musicians benefit from being part of your management company?

Lo Bloch: I believe everyone benefits from each other.  The energy and support for each other as a team is amazing. You can feel it during the full lineups where you get all the Lo Bloch Musicians. We call this The Bloch Party or you get 3 Musicians called the 3S. These have become popular events because you can feel the bond between all the musicians. So I guess that's the benefit you get from being part of Lo Bloch Management.

SLE: How do you go about getting musicians signed. Is there a process that you and your management team follow? 

Lo Bloch: The musicians that I have signed are people that I truly believe in their love for music. Before I commit I look at the hours they want to perform, how many shows they want to perform to make sure it works with my schedule. I do not like to book my musicians at the same time. So time zones also are a factor. Right now the scheduling is perfect and I rarely have musicians performing at the same times.  It happens.. but we work it out.

SLE: Does LBM promote any events, or is it just musicians scheduling? 

Lo Bloch: I do use Facebook to promote events. I am still learning Discord. Eventually, I will or should start using Discord!

SLE: The musicians you currently promote are well known. Can you share with our readers who they are and when they perform?

Lo Bloch: We have Shagpile Spyker from the UK, Dexter Moore from Australia, SEMINA from Sweden, SpiritLed from the East Coast, and Skye Galaxy from Texas. Most of them perform on the weekends. You can catch Dexter a few times on the weekdays. The best way to find out about shows is through my Facebook. Facebook: 

SLE: Do your musicians dual stream with each other?

Lo Bloch:  SEMINA and SpiritLed have dual streamed a few times. It was amazing... and heartfelt... I can't wait until they do it again!

SLE: Is there a group that our readers can join and be alerted to concerts and events?

Lo Bloch: The best way to see upcoming events is through my Facebook. Facebook:

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

Lo Bloch: Looking forward to seeing everyone at our shows!

SLE: If our readers want to see your clients do you have a venue that they play at or are they only able to see them at other venues?

Lo Bloch: We do not have our own venue. We have talked about getting a region together. So who knows. Maybe someday there will be a Bloch Head Region.

SLE: If venues wanted to hire your musicians how would they go about doing this?

Lo Bloch: They can contact me directly for booking information.

Additional Information:


Tour Line Up: 

SL Group:Lo Bloch Management 


Please send all inquiries to Lo Bloch outside of SL at:

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