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Monday, May 3, 2021


One of the really COOL things about working for SL Enquirer is that I get to travel this wonderful grid, exploring places I might not normally see. I get to go to new sims, and new regions.  I get to “seek out new life, and new civilizations…to BOLDLY GO where no man has gone before!..(Cue Star Trek intro music).   It was on just one such exploratory mission that I came across the lovely, the talented, the amazing…Ambrosia K. Windstorm.   Ambrosia is a live virtual jazz singer in Second Life.  How to describe her sound?   Start with a little Billie Holiday, add a smidge of Ella Fitzgerald, and top it off with a dollop of Whitney Houston….and there you have it.  Ambrosia!  It turns out, this stunning performer has been wowing audiences in both the RL and SL for years now.  With the use of my backstage pass, I was able to catch up with Ambrosia in between sets at “Branagh's Jazz Club”, where she graciously consented to answer some questions from her latest Fan.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic)  (JB):  Thanks for agreeing to speak with me and the readers of SL Enquirer, Ambrosia.  So tell me, please.  Just how long have you been singing?

Ambrosia Windstorm (AW):  I have been singing all of my life. I was raised in a very musical environment, from the classics of Motown and Jazz to Top 40 Pop and beyond. Doing talent showcases across my hometown also exposed me to Broadway musicals and I fell in love with those incredible songs.

JB:  How long have you and your SL husband known each other?

AW:  Rohan and I have known each other for almost 2 years.  It was a whirlwind romance and we will celebrate our 1st anniversary in June.  We have 2 beautiful daughters, Shantel and Monica and a son, Saint in SL, plus 2 cute adorable Zooby twins!  Now he is my business partner and Musical Director for our brand, Serenades by Ambrosia. Rohan is also a great Dancehall DJ and a very skilled vehicle maker.

JB:  Do you have a preferred genre?

AW:  It is so hard to choose! I feel very comfortable in Jazz and R&B but my tastes are evolutionary and expanding. Right now, I am working on some Jazz Fusion and throwback Disco!

JB:  You really do put a lot of yourself in your singing. Where do you get your inspiration?

AW:  God, Family, and Love.   I knew I wanted to sing when I realized that music is an emotional healer, not just for those listening, but for the singer as well.  Singing in the church provided me the opportunity to eventually tour with my choir for the Late Great Bishop. Rev. Timothy Wright and we were Grammy-nominated for Best Traditional Soul Gospel Album in 1998.

I started singing online about 20 years ago on a chat program called Paltalk and about 6 years ago in SL. I was encouraged by my Sapphire family, my soul sistah Jackie Lefko, who is also an amazing singer in both worlds and was featured in my 1st showcase for my SL brother Bryson Capalini in 2016.

JB:  When did you first want to become a singer?

AW: I was bitten by the stage bug really in high school. Doing talent shows and stage productions. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Mrs. Johnson, my 1st high school choir director. She challenged all of us to find our inner voice and absorb all kinds of music.

JB: Do you come from a Musical Family?

AW:  I was blessed to have parents that exposed me to a variety of genres growing up from Soul, R&B and Jazz to Rock, Pop and some Country.  My influences are Roberta Flack, Carole King, Whitney Houston and Stevie Wonder to name a few.

JB: You seem like quite the Renaissance Woman. What kinds of things have you done here in SL and where would you like to take your musical career in SL?

AW:  Growing, learning, and sharing.  I absolutely adore meeting new people and seeing the artistry of others.  Whether it's through singing, building, dancing, or drawing, I draw from the strength of others and am humbled by innovation and design.  I have had a talk show, written articles, and poetry, done charitable joint outreaches with RFL, Autism, Domestic Violence, and Lupus by lending my voice.  Now I have entered the world of SL photography and fashion blogging.

JB: What is your personal mission here? What motivates you to do what you do?

AW:  If there is a mission, it is to allow my music to be a conduit for joy, happiness, and change.  As a RL mom to a special needs adult daughter, I am inspired by her love and innocent spirit. SL allows me to extend and cultivate a social community that I would not have due to being a 24/7 caregiver and keeps me emotionally nurtured and grounded.

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

AW:  Just thank you to all of the wonderful people who come out to support me and especially the live music scene.  Thanks to KMM Music Management for keeping me sane out on the "road” and for all of their help and guidance. 

Serenades by Ambrosia was born out of a passion for giving back through song.  As for what the future holds?  I will navigate it one note at a time. :)

Ambrosia ♥

JB:  And lastly, Ambrosia, How can our readers find out where you are performing next?  I am sure many will want to hear you live and in concert.

AW:   Easy to do.  For a schedule of upcoming events, check out:

Google Calendar:

If any of your readers would like to book an event with me, please go to:

For Bookings:   

And for those who would just like to see some photos of what I do, check it out at:



So, there you have it, folks.  Looking for something different to do this week? Grab a friend or three and come check out Serenades by Ambrosia.  You will be sooooo glad you did!

Be there!  Aloha!


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