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Monday, May 24, 2021

2021 Memorial Day Weekend, The Outsiders Dance Troupe, and Paul Woodrunner!- Venus Amore Reporting...

Pictured here is one of the acts the troupe did in a past show.

The Outsiders Dance Troupe in Action

          “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” - Patton

This coming weekend is Memorial Day Weekend and there will be many events. Be sure to stop by Copperhead Road, for a plethora of exhibits in memory of those heroes we honor. Paul Woodrunner’s exhibits are created from the heart; something you want to visit. On Memorial Day, The Outsiders Dance Troupe’s will be performing at their home theater “The Bob Hope Theater” at 6 pm SLT at:   

The Exhibits, some replicated from the real world reside along with The Bob Hope Theater on Copperhead Road. Come view the 9/11 Ground Zero Memorial Fountain, Flight 93 National Memorial along with the astounding Tower of Voices and the Wall of Names. Each of these exhibits has been created in Second Life by Paul Woodrunner and his plan to bring the residents of Second Life together to celebrate the lives of our heroes.  



The Outsiders Dance Troupe was established in 2017 by Paul Woodrunner. It combines his passion for honoring veterans, first responders, and ordinary day heroes, with his Second Life knowledge and experience from his extensive work with Tribute Bands, Dance venues, and his ability to replicate Real World Builds and (New York’s The Empire Room, Manhattan’s Radio City and The Apollo in Harlem) bring them to life in Second Life. His undying devotion to honor heroes shows through his creations.

 Today and every day we honor our veterans, active duty, first responders, and those individuals who protect the free world. “HEROES” are people who risk their lives daily to protect our world and make it a better place. It is an honor to be supported by choreographers in Second Life of such caliber. The Outsiders Dance Troupe members joined forces with Paul Woodrunner, sharing his passion and dreams about honoring those who fought for freedom. They contribute their valuable time and talent through choreographing dances. They too have heroes either in their own families, or friends who have risked or lost their lives to keep our freedom. Before the actual troupe started, Paul experienced firsthand how Second Life Residents, both veterans in real life, many active role-players depicting veterans and active-duty members in-world, loved being entertained. This event consisted of only three acts in a region called Indochina (Vietnam).  The eight-sim region enjoyed the show, and the experience is projected to remind us to uplift our heroes that Second Life Aviation Magazine featured an article contributed by Luke Flywalker about it. The show started with a Ronald Reagan speech and ended with a 21 Gun Salute to honor one of Paul Woodrunner’s friends, a fellow member of the armed forces Marine branch who died in real life. After this event, The Outsiders Troupe started entertaining on several veteran-type holidays per year with honoring our heroes in mind. They dance in the Bob Hope Theater, to remember Bob Hope’s dedication to entertaining heroes worldwide. They were inspired by Bob Hope and his “Bob Hope USO Shows”. 


The founder of Paul Woodrunner Productions served in the United States Air Force and attained the rank of Buck Sergeant and NCO. His MO was 46250 Weapons Mechanic and he had the job of loading munitions such as bombs, flares, rockets, and missiles on Fighter Aircrafts (A-7s and F-4s). He was a member of the acclaimed Flying Tigers, a group that was independent outside of the military force and recruited by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941. This elite group flew missions in China against the Japanese in World War II.  He also served in Nato when he was stationed in West Germany. Paul fought in the Cold War and helped defeat Communism. Paul’s passion for honoring veterans has spilled over to Second Life and made a big impact on the Residents over the years.

Interview with Paul Woodrunner and Venus Amore


Venus Amore (VA): What inspired you to start the Outsider's troupe?

Paul Woodrunner (PW): Ever since I have been into Entertainment in SL. I've had a desire to entertain the troops and veterans. I grew up during the Vietnam War and though it all one man rang true to me; Bob Hope, as a young boy I went to a Bob Hope show, it was the grand opening of the Superdome in New Orleans. Second Life gave me, after a lot of hard work, the opportunity to lead my own troupe, and eventually, the Outsiders was born.

VA: When did you first build a memorial to honor those lives that were lost serving our country.

PW: On the Empire Room platform there is a memorial I built maybe 10 years ago that has an eternal flame and I've kept it burning from the day it was built

VA: How many holidays do you do Shows for and what is the purpose behind these shows?

PW: We do the big ones: Vietnam War, Veteran’s Day, July 4th, Memorial Day, 9/11, and a few more. Usually, it works out that every other month there is a show.

VA: When you first started your adventure in Second Life, what caught your interest the most? 

PW: Tribute bands, replicated buildings, creating entertainment venues.  

VA: What does the future look like for the Outsiders and Paul Woodrunner Productions?

PW: I see the Outsiders continuing to honor our military, first responders, and all people who help people. We might all be Heroes and today or in the past help your neighbor, a passerby, or be that someone who saw smoke and ran towards it. WE THE PEOPLE are the FIRST RESPONDERS, and the Outsiders will continue to push that. I see great things in store for the Outsiders and Bob Hope theater. Stay tuned it will continue to be a wonderful ride.

VA: Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers?

PW: We are in such a place in our history, not only in the US but the whole world. I just feel due to the recent events people seem to be more connected to each other. Heroes who participated in wars, still fight to maintain our freedom every day.  Every time we have a chance to elevate our heroes, we should. We should not mourn their deaths or our loss but be grateful and proud that such people (Heroes) lived to give us our freedom.

It was a great honor to interview Paul. He has great plans and ideas. He has worked on his goals and succeeded. He is a man with a plan; someone to admire and aspire to be like. His compassion and hard work show through in his creations in Second Life and are very contagious. So, in closing, do not forget this weekend and make sure you visit the exhibits and make it to the show! 

“Be not your brother’s keeper, be your brother’s brother.”

                                                                  - Anonymous 

 Additional Information:

Venue SLURL:

The Bob Hope Theater Group: secondlife:///app/group/a2625d0e-9025-9470-b551-bf2e8e0804b8/about

Paul Woodrunner’s Facebook:

Find him in world at: secondlife:///app/agent/118463bc-2f1e-4eb7-9d56-f2ff6238848e/about

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