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Friday, April 2, 2021


Unique Breedables is a breedables company with a fresh approach to how breeding animals works in Second Life.  UB’s goal is to improve and innovate their products for the new breeder to pros in the breedables community. I sat down with the creator of Unique Breedables to learn more about this company and the details he implements into each primate.  Along with his business partner and professional scripter Damian Dusk, they paid close attention to lag and cost of kits that is a problem with many other breedables. They addressed those issues and continues to provide exceptional customer care and services to the breedable community.


Lanai: Hi UniqueBreedable, it's a pleasure to meet with you for a chat about your breedables company. How did you discover Second Life and what inspired you to get into the business?


UniqueBreedable: Hello Lanai, thank you for taking the time for this interview to bring Unique Breedable closer to your readers. About 12 years ago I saw the light of day in Second Life and, like many others, I first sailed aimlessly through the virtual world of Second Life. After a relatively short time I came across the first Breedables and became a relatively successful breeder. After an accident in real life and a long hospital stay, I returned to second life to find that the value of my bred animals had rapidly dropped because I was no longer up to date with the latest traits. Then I decided to retire as a breeder and the idea of my own breedable was born. After a lot of thoughts I came to the decision that it had to be chimpanzees, who doesn't like chimpanzees?

After it was determined that it would be chimpanzees, it took almost exactly a year for the first Unique Breedables chimpanzee to run through Second Life. Fortunately, after some initial problems, I met one, if not the best scripter in SL, Damien Dusk, and have decided since the official launch of Unique Breedables in April. 08th 2013, to make Damien an equal partner. After the successful launch of the chimpanzees, we started developing the gorillas and the capuchins followed a little later. Our latest creation, which we are currently working on with high pressure, will hopefully soon be available for our breeders in second life.


Lanai: Your concentration is on primates like gorillas, chimpanzees and those adorable capuchins? Can you tell me what fascinates you about this particular animal?

UniqueBreedable: That's a really good question, even as a child, I was fascinated by primates every time I visited the zoo. Chimpanzees and gorillas are simply incredibly intelligent animals that, in my opinion, are given far too little attention. How often have you been able to observe a gorilla or chimpanzee somewhere and say to yourself "Wow, that's so human" !?!

If you've ever seen a gorilla learn sign language and then tell you that he misses his mother who was murdered by poachers in his presence, how can you ignore such creatures? How can you continually destroy their living space in order to make a profit with coconut oil and similar things? Unbelievable things happen in the habitat of the gorillas and other primates and only a few people on our planet take any notice. To deliberately harm these animals is to me as if I am harming my own child, I have decided to do everything I can to help these beautiful animals to develop undisturbed in their habitat.

Unique Breedables can proudly claim that, as a donor to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it helped protect the habitat of these animals. From time to time we publish a limited edition that 100% serves the purpose of generating money that we 100%, for example, are tied to a WWF project, donate. All of these campaigns are of course also published on our website.

Lanai: What a great cause you are supporting! I agree more attention should be given to primates and their habitats. Now that you have expressed your fascination with these beautiful animals, what are the special traits and animations that are included with the various breeds you create?

UniqueBreedable: What all species have in common is that they are all very active. They run, climb, swing, slide, hunt and it's just fun to watch them. Even when they are asleep they still bring a smile to your face. Of course, depending on the species, they have traits that others don't have. The most popular trait among the gorillas, for example, is the "rideable" trait. You can ride your gorilla and climb anything that comes your way, yes, even other avatars. Another gorilla-specific trait is the "silverback", which of course only male gorillas over a certain age can receive.

In the case of chimpanzees, the specific trait is the "speed". From "Sloothy" to "Lightning" there is something for everyone to watch the little ones doing their activities with a lot of fun. Imagine a "Fat" and "Sloothy" chimp swinging. ;o) The possibility to carry your chimpanzee is also very popular.


The Capuchin Trait is extremely funny. They have a "personality". From "Normal" to "Crazy", "Lazy" or "Think it's People" and "Zombie Creep", there is plenty of variety and fun to watch the little monkeys. As with the chimpanzees, you can also carry the capuchins around, whereby they carry on to show off with their personality when carried around.

Compared to other breedables in Second Life, we decided to take a different approach to animate the animals than the commonly used texture swapping, with the result that our breedables generate considerably less lag. So you can have a lot of Unique Breedales run on your land and have fun watching their activities.

Lanai: Sounds like you know your stuff about their various behaviors. Can breeders customize their primates? What can be changed to make them unique to the breeder?

UniqueBreedable: As with all known breedables, the Unique Breedables also have a number of traits with a wide range of options.

The aim of every breeder should be to get the maximum number in his breed. In addition, it is of course 1. the market and the demand and 2. the breeder which trait he prefers to include in his breeding. From my point of view, every breeder should set himself a goal, a project of what exactly he wants to achieve with his animal, this is the only way to ensure long-term survival as a successful breeder in Second Life. The best way to make them unique is of course to combine the rarest and newest traits and thus be able to offer a rare animal on the market.


Lanai: Good advice. I know food and consumables are used to sustain breedables.  It’s an important part of the care and breeding process. What kind of consumables are needed to get started?

UniqueBreedable: That's pretty easy to answer. To start breeding Unique Breedables it is enough to buy a starter pack. This includes the smallest variant 1 male and 3 females as well as bananas as primary food and pineapples as secondary food to be supplied for the first week. So there are no follow-up costs to look at the Breedable for a week and decide whether it is the right choice.

The rest of our available Consumables can be optional fed to your UB Monkey to Boost Age, Passion, Happiness, Pregnancy. It also can be used to heal or wake up your Unique Breedable without a loss of happiness. Lanai: I like that you can try it for a week and decide if it is right for them. Can you share some advice on how to get started and what to expect from the starter kits?

UniqueBreedable: To start as a breeder, the best choice, as I have just explained, is to choose a suitable starter kit. The choices are Beginner (1 Male & 3 Females), Advanced (2 Males & 6 Females) or Elite (3 Males & 9 Females). This ensures that the future herd will also receive the latest released traits. Depending on which project you have decided on, it can also make sense to buy Barrels/Boxes from other Unique Breedables Breeders with certain traits to reach your desired goal faster.

In order to have fun with our animals right from the start, it is advisable to buy something from our large selection (which is constantly growing) of playgrounds, trees and other toys. Because, in my opinion, nothing is worse than just lining up a breedable motionless like tin soldiers. The fun of observing how actively the animals swing, climb, etc. is an important aspect for us.


Lanai: With that ratio of males vs. females, I’m sure a lot of monkey business will be
happening!  Can you explain the breeding process? Is it possible to create rares or limited editions?

UniqueBreedable: The breeding cycle for a female UB Monkey is 9 days (3 days to gain Passion, 3 days Pregnancy, 3 days Recovery). The male cycle is much shorter, he will gain passion every 3 days. So 1 male stays busy with 3 females without any wait time.

Our breeders have to mate each pair manually to prevent the animals from mating with each other in an uncontrolled manner. The animals have showing traits, such as the fur that you can see and hidden traits. The aim is of course to breed the hidden traits like a rare fur into your babies.

Limited Editions cannot be achieved through breeding, we offer these on certain occasions such as Christmas, Easter, etc. You should definitely not miss out on them, because breeding with limited editions gives you the opportunity to breed new unique and rare traits that can only come from this special limited edition into your herd.


Lanai: Oh! That’s pretty cool and a great incentive for serious breeders.  Just like in rl all living things die, so do some breedables if not properly taken care of. What does it mean to send your breedable to Heaven? Why is it an option and what is the heaven token for?

UniqueBreedable: Unique breedables never die unless you send them to heaven. If, for whatever reason, your Breedables are not fed, they will get sick, which happens in three stages, "Got the munchies", "Sick" and "Starved". As long as they are not "starved" you can simply heal them again by feeding them, once they have reached "starved" only feeding a healing kit helps.

We have decided to give our breeders the opportunity to send their animals to heaven. The reason for this is actually relatively easy to explain. Every breeder has already experienced it, you mate two wonderful animals and hope for a fantastic result, hurray the baby is finally here, you click on Info for the first time, and the disenchantment is great, the result is not what you are looking for, for 3 long days waited and hoped. So what to do now? Offer the 40,000th barrel for sale with one or two common traits? The disappointment only gets bigger, because there are barrels like this too often to be able to market them successfully. The solution: Off to heaven and collect the Heaven Tokens. Prevent flooding the market with Barrels everyone already has a thousand times.

Heaven tokens can be used to exchange them for selected consumables, yes even food or an extremely rare Heaven gorilla or chimpanzee.

Lanai: Sending them to SL heaven in that way is an honorable act.  There are many different breedables available in Second Life these days. What sets yours apart from the others?

UniqueBreedable: I would say that we differ most clearly from other breedables in the way our animals are animated and active. Many of our breeders also have other breedables and almost always have the same problem, unless they have their own sim, the landlord forbids them to let their animals run because they create too much lag on the land.

Fortunately, I have already spoken to many landlords and they have been able to convince themselves that Unique Breedables generate considerably less lag and can therefore be active in larger numbers on the land without hesitation.

And last but not least, of course, the fun factor, after almost exactly 8 years I still watch our primates today and am amazed how they sometimes act so humanly and so surprisingly.

Lanai: Lag really is a big deal for breeders, it’s nice to know you considered the lag factor and addressed it for Buying and selling breedables That is one of the main reasons breeders get into this business. What kind of auctions and events do your host and what are the price ranges breeders sell and buy?


UniqueBreedable: We have our own auction house at the UB Main-Sim that will open its doors again from April 2021. We also offer our breeders to rent a stable on the UB Main-Sim to offer their animals there. As creators, we have no influence on the prices with one exception, we have a breeder agreement that no Unique Breedable is sold under L $ 1000. It should be understandable to everyone that as a breeder you spend Linden Dollars on food, rent, etc. and therefore a minimum price should also be a matter of course. The rest is regulated by the market with supply and demand, as in any economy.


Lanai: You offer breedables clients a lot of features at a great price.  I noticed you are not on the SL marketplace, why?

UniqueBreedable: Since Breedables are no-copy items, unfortunately, the door is wide open to everyone on the SL Marketplace to pull the money out of other people's pockets by selling counterfeits. Unfortunately, my personal experience with SL Marketplace is not the best in this regard. That's why I would rather save our breeders from trouble and have decided not to offer anything on this platform. Another point is that SL Marketplace has not yet considered that an MP store may be run by more than one person, which would take additional effort and time to split profits.

Lanai: However you are running Unique Breedables, it has proven to be a success and you should be very proud of that.  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Unique Breedables?

UniqueBreedable: It is important to mention that our Breedables do not have to be fed endlessly. All of our Males retire at 120 days, all Females after their 13th birth, which means that they will become a Pet, that no longer require any food. No certificate needs to be purchased or any other extra cost for that.


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