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Friday, April 2, 2021


My first visit at Center Ground was that of amazement, you can immediately feel and see the exceptional creative environmental practices, diversity, conservation of arts and culture in this little community.  My eyes were drawn to the colorful poster seeking creators of urban & ethnic wear to participate in a fashion event in mid-April during Earth week. I continued down the walkway enjoying the natural scenery and instantly recognized the hard work put into this slice of heaven where pride clearly shines. Near the garden area stands the Center Ground Gallery of Art where beautiful paintings proudly hang in a modern architectural-looking building. Further down is a residential area with Eco-looking homes. It was no surprise to me to learn that the Center Ground originally started by 4 environmentally focused leaders who created this environmentally friendly community to discuss and promote truly sustainable modeling and preserve their ideas and dreams in the SL metaverse. I was looking forward to meeting with one of the original founders, Luchenpur Darwin.

Roxy Mystic: Hello Luchenpur, I am very happy to meet you. This place is amazing! I am not sure where to start as there is so much to talk about.  I walked around Center Ground and I also visited your webpage.  There is a description of Center Ground that says: "The Center Ground sim is a hub for businesses, residences, arts and entertainment. While many may only know of our world-class venues, it takes only a brief walk to see what else we offer."  You were absolutely correct, I walked down the pathway and knew right away everything I needed to know about Center Ground. Let's go back a little and talk about how this all started, the meeting of 4 environmentalists with amazing visions.

Luchenpur Darwin: Hello Roxy, It is great to meet you as well. And thank you for the generous compliment. I can see already you have an eye for detail. Smiles 
Roxy Mystic: Why is it so important to you and obviously to your founding colleagues that Center Ground keeps showcasing ways to protect our natural resources and can you elaborate a bit more on the mindset around the synergy of survival?
Luchenpur Darwin: Roxy, My 3 colleagues, Paolo Rousselo, Tatia Andel, and Flower Ninetails

originally met on another sim that excelled in green and sustainable practices. Each of us came to SL with experiences from our first life that influenced our pursuits here. Over time the 4 of us decided to strike out on our own and pursue a vision, while still sustainable.  More aligned with the 4 of us.

Roxy Mystic:  I am so curious and very much interested in learning more about the upcoming fashion show and exposition of items designed from recycled and sustainable materials. This is such an original idea! Will this be a full week or weekend event? Please share more!

Luchenpur Darwin: The idea for the fashion show came from Reign C.  I asked her to be part of planning the event this year and she brought in her organization, The Best Of Second Life (BOSL). Our Earth Week celebration will actually begin the week of April 10th with designers setting up displays along Center Ground Boulevard On Saturday the 17th We will have a

dance troupe perform for the opening. Sunday the 18th we will have the Fashion Show put on by BLVD Fashion House Both events will start at Noon SLT. We will also DJs doing live sets at Etopia and street parties at Center Ground from the 17th  through the 25th.  I have been involved in “Green Expos” in the past where there were displays that covered everything from persevering water qualities, wetlands, and mangroves to reducing energy consumption. That appeals to a certain group. But when you talk fashion you have widened your scope.  If you do an internet search for sustainable fashion, you now see clothing companies that are taking the lead on sustainable practices and reusing recycled and sustainably grown materials in their garments. With a little research, I’m hoping some S L creators may come up with backstories for items they already have or create something new for our exposition.

Roxy Mystic: When I saw the Club Center Ground my first impression was that of a lounge atmosphere. I felt like I was perhaps in Vegas prepared to be entertained by elite performers. You are very good at creating perfect environments of comfort that pull us into special moments in time. What are the plans with the Club Center Ground, I understand there is currently both DJ and live music entertainment?

Luchenpur Darwin: Thanks for the compliment Roxy.  Club Center Ground is the result of collaborations between myself and Judilynn India. The club has evolved over time from suggestions by friends and patrons to what you see today.   We have live DJs nearly every day of the week comprising over 25 hours of original entertainment.  We also have singers on occasion. The club is open 24/7 there is a great stream by WBSR digital radio that plays on off-hours.

Roxy Mystic: I love shopping so we really need to talk about the shopping district! I have noticed there is both a market area and a store section. Oh wait, there is even a restaurant!  Your rental rates are quite affordable. Can you describe this area for me and if someone is interested in renting a store would they contact you directly?

Luchenpur Darwin: Smiles, The Center Ground Shopping district consists of small storefronts and the marketplace you mentioned previously. The stores along the boulevard and kiosk in the marketplace allow shoppers a chance to see what they are purchasing in a more physical way.  The kiosk gives smaller creators a chance to get some exposure. There is also an extension of Inspiration University.   We have Renee’s Bistro, I guess we could call it a supper club. It is an intimate venue with a small stage where singers and comedians have performed. Not to be forgotten is the Sugarhill Lounge, Housed in the WBSR building where we hold scheduled events on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Roxy Mystic: Those eco-homes you have here at Center Ground are so real, they truly reflect life in a sustainable real-life home being compact and efficient as they are. Once again your rental rates are very affordable and it appears most units are rented too. Can you describe the idea behind this close-knit community idea and how your renters feel about their compact homes?

Luchenpur Darwin: Sure, in a sustainable community all resources must be considered. We have been able to place 5 apartments in an area where some would have one huge home. I’m not knocking anyone for their choices. What we have here is an example of sustainable living where everything is within walking distance of your residence. The apartments were recently updated to state of the art (SOTA).  Alexis, One of our residents, and business owners came up with a proposal for the remodel and was able to secure the blessing of the original creator. That kind of collaboration is one of the keys to our success. We also took input from the other residents. What you see is the culmination of all those influences. Most of our renters have been here a long time. And even if they are away for an extended period they can count on having their place here when they return.

Roxy Mystic:  They say the experience of looking at awe-inspiring art has a positive effect on our physical body and our mental state as well; it enhances brain function and well-being so it is no surprise that Center Ground is highly involved with the art community.  Please share with our SL Enquirer readers why the gallery is so important. If someone wanted their art exhibit here what would they need to do and who would they contact?

Luchenpur Darwin: The Center Ground Gallery of Art, was the first major attraction we had here.  Judilynn India, our resident RL artist, and owner of the gallery built the first version in 2012.   Over the years there have been various iterations of the building. Judilynn is the curator and also the chief builder of present-day Center Ground.

Roxy Mystic:  I understand you are offering jobs and looking for bloggers. Can you describe the positions you are offering and perhaps provide information on the blogging opportunities at Center Ground?

Luchenpur Darwin: Center Ground’s employs a number of DJs and Host on a regular basis. In the near future, we will be looking for some men of good character and quality to act as ‘Gentleman Host’ for some of our events, Bloggers are welcome. If someone writes a blog about exploring different places on the grid, visiting galleries, or quaint shopping places please consider checking us out.  And please be sure to send me a link.

Roxy Mystic:  My last question might be hard for you to answer but if you were to pick one of your favorite things here at Center Ground what would it be?

Luchenpur Darwin: Hmm that’s difficult to say.   There are so many aspects.  I can say I truly enjoy meeting the various individuals that visit here be it at the club or as explorers or shoppers.

I really enjoyed meeting Luchenpur and I look forward to attending the Center Ground fashion events coming up in mid-April. I think this is a great opportunity for creative designers to showcase their work. The exposition is equally exciting and so original. Imagine items that are created from recycled and sustainable materials! Challenge yourself and make a difference. For more details, interested parties should contact Luchnepur Darwin by notecard in-world or by email at subject line, Fashion. On a side note, for those interested, April 22 is the date of Earth Day this year and the theme is “Restore Our Earth.”

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