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Friday, April 30, 2021

BREAKING NEWS! Bella Bistro is Missing!


Usually its residents who go missing but this is just a shock! A whole restaurant is POOF gone without any warning or farewell, leaving residents stumped and forcing them to roll up at run down food trucks for a romantic date!

Bella Bistro was a staple in romantic dining in Second Life since 2009. According to a shocked resident that informed SLE, Bella Bistro has closed its doors, picked up its buildings and is gone! This restaurant was created by Sword Hammerer and Lucy Vacano (lucyangel.vacano) to fill the niche for a romantic dining for the second life residents. 

Situated on the shore of the Black Sea, this fine dining establishment gave residents a soothing coastal feel. It will surely be missed by many especially the OG Second Life residents that had many first dates there. 

The SL Enquirer reached out to Sword and Lucy but have not received a response. If you have any information about the disappearance of Bella Bistro contact us!

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