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Monday, April 12, 2021

An Interview With Dahriel Nova, Pose Creator - Stacey Cardalines Reporting


Models occupy an elite spot in the human spectrum. As people used for advertising, they enter into a strange dynamism. Models help sell us stuff that we buy because we want to be a certain kind of person, and- thusly- models have to somehow become the person that we want to be. Anyone who says a model's work is easy knows not of what they speak. In order to do the job properly, they have to not only act as Gods, they have to at least externally believe that they are Gods.

On something like SL, even a God needs help. That leads us to this week's interview, with Dahriel Nova. Mr. Nova is the man behind PosESioN Productions and the PosESioN store. He makes and sells model poses and runway animations. He also owns and operates BOOTHology, which makes booths for designers. If you are a model or a designer, he has you covered.

Models are important to the SL economy. Much of the monetary activity on SL involves buying clothes. It is better for the business to have a model wearing their clothing in advertisements than it is to just show a picture of the clothing. The model shows what can be done with the clothing. Anyone who does even a little bit of clothes shopping has seen a picture of a model in action and has concurrently seen a small cog in a big engine that drives the SL economy.

While a great part of modeling is being Born Pretty, it is not the sole ingredient. The world is full of pretty girls who don't quite know-how to utilize what they are sitting on, and that is why you sometimes see them folding sweaters at Forever 21 or slinging eggs at some edge-of-town truck stop. Ansel Adams himself might take a pretty girl and have her sit for some headshots, but unless the girl knows what she's doing, he's never going to rise above cheesy Facebook-type pictures. 

"Knows what she's doing" involves Posing. Posing is an important business in SL. If you have an AO, and even if you don't, you are Posing. Posing is emoting without words. It is more important than you'd think.

Almost any girl you see in pornography- with some Born Freak exceptions, of course- is someone who most likely aimed to be a real actress at one point, but who could not emote properly. It really can be a game of inches. You'd be surprised at how little skill exists between a girl blowing a kiss to the Vogue photographer for $300,000 on a South Seas photo shoot, and an alternative scenario where she is taking on a half dozen Hell's Angels in an adult movie for $300 and some cocaine.. or so people tell me. "From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step," as Napoleon once said.

Fortunately, you can solve that equation in your favor by visiting the PosESioN Store. If you wish to be a model on SL, this is where you need to go. They have hundreds of poses, some simple, some extravagant, but all necessary. They even sell those catwalk animations where you head down the runway. My sister and I spent an afternoon trying these out, as you can see from the pictures in the article. We also got to speak with the sim owner, the aforementioned Mr. Nova.

He has been in business since 2012, and is one of the leading figures in his field. There may be no model worth walking around SL who doesn't have at least a few of his poses in their arsenal. A lot of model work is done with pose balls and huds, and to work those, they need poses. Lots of poses. Lots of poses are what PosESioN has. You could fill up a model hud very efficiently at PosESioN, and you won't go into the poorhouse doing so at 60 Ls a pop.

I forgot to ask why Mr. Nova spells PosESioN like that, but a little bit of mystery is good in certain niche markets.

Pose Creator is a fascinating job, and I am 100% certain that people use Mr. Nova's poses at the fashion show he attends without knowing that they are posing. That may or may not secretly delight him. Contrary to what I assumed, most of his friends aren't models. He uses his own shapes for models unless he is doing couples poses, so he would only cross paths with them at events. He is working on a fashion fair for May, so he (and you, if you go) might meet some models there. They also have an in-house fashion show on April 17th.

When Mr. Nova does hire models, he is not beholden to tall/slim types. He needs models of all sizes and has some people who do headhunting for him. I intend to interview one of these women for a future article, but that is not where we are right now.

His best selling pose is his default pose. He doesn't do huds, but his systems fit huds. Almost all of his customers are models, as the product is made for advertising and runways. He has a male model pose section, as male models are in as much demand as female models... but I went there to shoot pictures with my sister Courtney, so you get us.

I always wanted to be a model when I was a kid. I only ended up being 5 feet tall, and that sort of ended my supermodel fantasy. It also ended my WNBA fantasy, but I can't avoid that reality in Mr, Nova's store for a pleasant hour. I can play Model there all day, however. If I buy some poses, I can play at home, too.

I'd recommend this store to a model looking to add to her arsenal, and I would recommend the store to regular girls who just want to spend an hour playing with the poses. It is essential to a model. however.

Bookmark their website to get updates on deals they are offering, and join their SL groups! 

Some April-May events you can visit that are associated with Mr. Nova:

The Darkness Event (5th to 28th)
Jail Event (10th to 30th)
XXX Original Event (13th to 3rd)
101L Event (19th to 13th)
GLAMAZON Boutique (23th to 16th)
POSEvent (27th to 19th)
Golden days a weekly main store sales from Wednesday to Friday
in May Pandora Fair, from 11th to 31th

Casting Runway, PosESioN Productions

Strike a pose! Give good face!

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