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Monday, August 8, 2022

Tally Mercury Spotlight Interview - Angelina Lerintzo Reporting



Original Post Date: March 17, 2021

Tally Mercury is from Wales, UK - born and raised and still currently there. According to him a “little country next to England.”

He stated that “We even have our own language - Welsh (Cymraeg) - One of the oldest languages in the world.”

Subsequently, Angelina Lerintzo asked, “How would you describe your personality in cymraeg?”

Mercury replied, “hah I Don't speak it well enough - but let me try.”

“Rwy'n ddyn hwyliog a cherddoriaeth yw fy mywyd” which means “I am a fun guy and Music is my life.”

Additionally, he said, “I don’t speak it well- although my children are fluent.”

Angelina Lerintzo (AL): How did you first start in the music scene in RL growing up and what musical instruments do you play? How did you end up becoming a second life singer and musician? What’s your story?

Tally Mercury: Where I grew up you had limited options for hobbies lol. You either played rugby, did drugs, or played music - or a combination of all three. Music was my first love - I cheated on her with rugby, but came back, and I never fancied drugs lol. - I grew up in Church too, so there was always lots of opportunity to sing and play instruments. I also played in a Brass Band as a teenager. I've played lots of instruments, but always loved the guitar. Wish I was better at it. SL singing happened after me not singing or playing for around 6 years. Then I went through a divorce and made some good friends in here. I got lost often in listening to music, and then one day I was listening to Stone Sour and I thought - "I can sing this!" - and I sang and played it to some friends in SL - then they talked me into doing a small set at a club, but they went and invited a manager - Ryleigh Sorbet - and that was that - she wouldn't let me not do it lol. 

AL: What artists and musicians are your sources of inspiration in RL or SL when it comes to writing music and influencing your craft? Do you have any favorite quotes from a favorite singer/musician and what does that quote mean to you?

Tally Mercury: My influences change all the time. But some that are always around are Jeff Buckley, Bon Iver, Nothing But Thieves, London Grammar and even stuff like Tedeschi Trucks Band. In SL, I have been influenced by Phemie and Skye - but also tried to find my own way a bit and not be like others here. I do have favorite quotes, Toby Mac "Music takes words to a place that words can't go on their own". And “To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” - Ludwig van Beethoven

AL: What genres of music did you play growing up or have dabbled with and how is it different from what you play now?

Tally Mercury: When I was young, I loved Elvis sooo much haha - all my friends were into Michael Jackson - and I was rockin out to Elvis! haha - but seriously - I loved funk, Gospel, RnB in my younger years, and then got into Rock music as a teenager and that passion has never left me. I feel now I have chilled out a lot more though, so I like more chilled electronic music like Bon Iver, London Grammar, RY X, and a fair bit of Synth Wave music like The Midnight. So I feel that influences my performance and writing style more - mixed in with Radiohead and Jeff Buckley styles. Gah - none of that makes sense lol - I have such an eclectic taste in music and it changes all the time lol but my performing and writing style tends to stay the same.

AL: Can you list all the songs that you’ve written that you’ve performed that has a significant impact on your life? What are the stories behind each song that you wrote?

Tally Mercury: -"Hold On" was the first single we released with my band Neon-Fiction - I wrote it for my youngest son - I started singing it to him when I would put him to bed - it is just a prayer almost that he will always find safety at home, and that as his father, I will always be therefor him - That I am the safest place he will ever have. - "Oceans" - is a song I wrote when a friendship was reconciled. It is about wanting the ocean to come over and wash all the brokenness and pain away so we can start over. -"Inside" - is a song I wrote about my Ex-Wife trying to control our kids and stop them from seeing me - telling lies about me to the kids to try and turn them against me - but in the end, then ended up leaving her and coming to live with me as they saw through all her lies. There are 3 songs that are important for me.

AL: What is one of your most memorable performance in second life that you’ve enjoyed? Have you ever performed somewhere where you feel like you’re a part of something big?

Tally Mercury: In SL - I have so many fun memories - I think my fave was the first show I did with my band Neon Fiction - I had never played with a group in SL before and it was all original songs, no covers - we had around 90 people come out and it was sooo much fun! I was buzzing for days after.

AL: Have you ever collaborated with any SL or real-life singers/musicians? Are you planning to collaborate with anyone in a future project?

Tally Mercury: yea - so I collaborated with Fly Kugin - she plays ~Violin in SL - she's incredible. I wrote a song called "Inside" for Neon Fiction, and recorded it. Fly recorded Violin and Cello for it - it will be released in 6-8 weeks I hope. I have talked about doing some work with Phemie too - that would be exciting.

AL: Where can people listen to your music online and inworld? How can people book you to perform at their venue or special occasion? What is your social media, group, discord, and link to your calendar?

Tally Mercury: They can reach me in the information below





LinkTree Neon Fiction- check out

I'm so shit at social media. lol - but you can find all the links on the linktree links above. I have no idea the link to my calendar - that's why I pay a manager.

If people want to book Tally - then speak to Amyra (amyravuitton)

If they want to book Neon Fiction, then speak to Luis Lockjaw.

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