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Thursday, March 4, 2021



The Titty Twister for most people should immediately ring a bell if you ever saw the movie From Dusk Till Dawn. It is indeed a recreation of the (in)famous bar from that movie with George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino and the unforgettable snake dance by Selma Hayek.

The Titty Twister started out as a little 'pet-project' for me out of boredom really. So I started toiling around and decorating trying to make it into something that people would feel comfortable in visiting, with an appeal to the eye, and filled with interactive stuff that I like to call 'easter-eggs'. You'll find fun and interactive stuff all across the Titty Twister and you are strongly encouraged to have a stroll at some point and explore. After a day or two, I invited some friends to view what I did, and the rest took flight from there. Before I knew it I had people coming frequently to enjoy the music and have a chat. This in turn made me think that I should maybe do more with this than merely have a little pet-project for a week orso, only to delete it afterward and turn it into a full-fledged venue or club if you will.

Since I am a musician and producer in real life, I very much enjoy listening to and promoting live artists and musicians in Second Life. So I immediately had the desire to make the Titty Twister be a venue that promotes live artists and musicians. But there's also a place for DJ's at the Titty Twister and I am happy to say that we have a few very good ones on the bill already. The Titty Twister doesn't have a fixed schedule or anything. I envision this place to be like an open stage for artists, DJ's and creative people who want to strut their stuff, try new material, or just jam out and party whenever they feel like it. A place for established artists to try new stuff, or new artists to get a feel for what it is like to perform on a stage in Second Life. No schedules, no obligations, no musts. Everybody's free to come and perform whenever they feel like it. Actually, that's our motto: Titty Twister, where anything goes, but nothing is a must...  Just contact me if you would like to perform on our stage, and we'll have a little chat about your plans and what you do as an artist or dj, and get you set up. Because of my music background, I might even be able to help you dial in your sound or be of assistance with any music or audio technical questions you might have.

Since we are an interactive club for everybody and very much encourage any form of social engagement we have voice turned on at the Titty Twister by default, and this is done as a very conscious decision to offer people, the widest form of possibilities to interact with each other. However, when live artists are performing we do turn the voice off out of respect for the artist and as not to distract from their show and material, after all, that's what the Titty Twister is there for... promoting live music and giving artists a stage to present their material!

This Saturday at 8AM SLT the Titty Twister will officially open its doors for the public, and for that the occasion we've come with a very exciting line-up full of entertainment for you:

  • 8AM - 10AM - DJ Tammy (This Thunder from down under will open the party with her eclectic selection of rock and electro-swing tunes)
  • 10AM - 11AM - Toxic Darkmatter (We use Art to decorate blank walls... Toxic uses Music to decorate the silence. Toxie has a mixture of soul and blues with an undertone of dirty sexiness, feminine power, and a cheeky contagious giggle with a Eff you twist to boot!)
  • 11AM - 12PM - Miss Cast (Pianist, vocalist and arranger Miss Cast, aka Anne Farnsworth IRL, is an accomplished jazz artist who swings her a** you Jazz, Blues and Stuff In-Between in her own inimitable style.)
  • 12PM - 1PM - Erik Kottzen (Erik brings to Second Life his wealth of real life experience. His shows are in English and have been described as beautiful, groovy, retro to modern, heart touching and rocking, featuring pop, rock, hard rock, metal, 80's, 90's and even some classic rock ballads!)
  • 1PM - 2PM - Ben Barker (Aboriginal Australian musician combining the guitar and didgeridoo simultaneously to create a truly unique sound...)
  • 2PM - 4PM - DJ Apollon afterparty (From Sweden comes to this ultimately funny dj with a lot of wit and a party music selection that you can't sit or stand still to)
  • 4PM - 6PM - DJ Khaos electronica (This Canadian DJ has a very special, groovy and an eclectic selection of electronica and dance music that will keep your ears pricked into the wee hours)

I hope to see you at the Titty Twister for the grand opening, keep on making good music and spread the love! ♥


Titty Twister VIP Group: secondlife:///app/group/9e79cd08-4f74-5fd9-2877-62e8275548d3/about
Titty Twister facebook page:

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